Page:Arthur Stringer - The Shadow.djvu/217

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lem. Then he studied the figure in front of him.

"There's nothing crooked behind this?"

Blake forced a laugh from his weary lungs. "I 'll prove that in two days by wireless—and pay first-class passage to the next port of call!"

"I 'm fourth engineer on board here, and the Old Man would sure fire me, if—"

"But you needn't even know about me," contended Blake. "Just let me crawl in somewhere where I can sleep!"

"You need it, all right, by that face of yours!"

"I sure do," acknowledged the other as he stood awaiting his judge's decision.

"Then I 'd better get you down to my bunk. But remember, I can only stow you there until we get under way—perhaps not that long!"

He stepped cautiously out and looked along the gangway. "This is your funeral, mind, when the row comes. You 've got to face that, yourself!"

"Oh, I'll face it, all right!" was Blake's