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The Pocket Library of English Literature


Vol. I.—Tales of Mystery.
Vol. II.—Political Verse.
Vol. III.—Defoe's Minor Novels.
Vol. IV.—Political Pamphlets.
Vol. V.—Seventeenth Century Lyrics. Second Edition.
Vol. VI.—Elizabethan and Jacobean Pamphlets

'Mr. George Saintsbury is the editor, and, as nobody living has a purer, wider, or better instructed taste than his in English literature, the series promises good things to a lover of books. Mr. Saintsbury's introduction to the extracts (Tales of Mystery) is an interesting sketch in criticism, and enables a reader to see at once what is best in the stories themselves.'—Scotsman.

'It is not surprising to find that this volume ("Seventeenth Century Lyrics") wherein are gathered so many lyric gems, has passed into a second edition.... It is almost unnecessary to say that Mr. Saintsbury's selections are admirable, and there are few poems excluded which we could wish admitted, fewer still admitted which we should desire excluded.'—Birmingham Daily Gazette.

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'"Political Verse." A most readable and entertaining volume.'—Times.

'"Political Pamphlets" is a very attractive volume.—Times.

'We are heartily glad that Mr. Saintsbury has put together his pretty little volumes.'—Spectator.

The 'Seventeenth Century Lyrics' may also be had bound in Cloth,
gilt lettered, 3s. 6d.

Second Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Essays in English Literature
1780 to 1860.

Contents.—The kinds of Criticism—Crabbe—Hogg (Ettrick Shepherd)—Sydney Smith—Jeffrey—Hazlitt—Moore—Leigh Hunt—Peacock—Wilson (Christopher North)—De Quincey—Lockhart—Praed—Borrow.

London: 34 King Street, Covent Garden.