Page:Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, English translation.djvu/111

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translated it must deal with the so-called ayanavalana or "deflection due to the deviation of the ecliptic from the equator."

Both valanas ("deflection of the ecliptic") were employed in the projection of eclipses.[1]

46. At the beginning of an eclipse the Moon is dhumra, when half obscured it is krsna, when completely obscured it is kapila, at the middle of an eclipse it is krsnatamra.[2]
47. When the Moon eclipses the Sun even though an eighth part of the Sun is covered this is not preceptible because of the brightness of the Sun and the transparency of the Moon.[3]
48. The Sun has been calculated from the conjunction of the Earth and the Sun, the Moon from the conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and all the other planets from the conjunctions of the planets and the Moon.[4]
49. By the grace of God the precious sunken jewel of true knowledge has been rescued by me, by means of the boat of my own knowledge, from the ocean which consists of true and false knowledge.[5]
50. He who disparages this universally true science of astronomy, which formerly was revealed by Svayambhu, and is now described by me in this Aryabhatiya, loses his good deeds and his long life.[6]

Read pratikuncuko.

  1. Cf. Brahmagupta, IV, 16-17 and XXI, 66; Lalla, Candragrahanadhikara, 23, 25; Suryasiddhanta, IV, 24-25: "From the position of the eclipsed body increased by three signs calculate the degrees of declination."
    See Brennand, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 280-83; Kaye, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 77-78.
  2. Cf. Suryasiddhanta, VI, 23; Lalla, Candragrahanadhikara, 36; Brahmagupta, IV, 19.
  3. Cf . Suryasiddhanta, VI, 13.
  4. Cf. BCMS, XII (1920-21), 183.
  5. Cf. ibid., p. 187.
  6. Cf. JRAS, 1911, p. 114.