Page:Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, English translation.djvu/43

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with the commentary of Sudhakara. Brahmagupta (I, 12) quotes stanza I, 3,

manusandhiiii jiigam iccliaty an-abhatas tanmanur yatati skhajTigah
kalpas caturjoiganaih sahasram a§tadliikam tasj'a.

Brahmagupta (I, 28) refers to the same matter,

adhikat smrtj-uktamanor aryabhatoktas catunnagena manul;i
adhikam -v-imsamsajTitais tribhir joigais tasya kalpagatam.

Brahmagupta (XI, 11) criticizes Aryabhata for be- ginning the Kaliyuga with Thursday (see the com- mentary of Sudhakara).

Bhau Daji^ first pointed out the parallels in Brahmagupta I, 9 and XI, 4 and XI, 11.®

4. The revolutions of the Moon (in a yiiga) multiplied by 12 are signs [rasi].* The signs multiphed by 30 are degrees. The degrees multiplied by 60 are minutes. The miautes multiplied by 10 are yojanas (of the circumference of the sky). The Earth moves one minute in a prdna.^ The circumference of the sky (in yojanas) di^-ided by the. revolutions of a planet in a yuga gives the yojanas of the planet's orbit. The orbit of the Sun is a sixtieth part of the circle of the asterisms.

In translating the words sasirasayas tha cakram I have followed Paramesvara's interpretation sasinas cakram hhagand dvddasagunitd rdsayah. The Sanskrit construction is a harsh one, but there is no other way of making sense. Sasi (without declensional ending) is to be separated.

Paramesvara explains the word grahajavo as fol-

1 Cf. Ill, S. . 2 Op. ciL, 1865, pp. 400-401.

' Cf . Alberuni, I, 370, 373-74.

  • A rail is a sign of the zodiac or one-twelfth of a circle.

^ For jrrana see III, 2.