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As You Like It, V. iv

Hym. 'Peace, ho! I bar confusion: 132
'Tis I must make conclusion
Of these most strange events:
Here's eight that must take hands
To join in Hymen's bands, 136
If truth holds true contents.'
[To Orlando and Rosalind.] You and you no cross shall part:
[To Oliver and Celia.] You and you are heart in heart:
[To Phebe.] You to his love must accord, 140
Or have a woman to your lord:
[To Touchstone and Audrey.] You and you are sure together,
As the winter to foul weather.
Whiles a wedlock hymn we sing, 144
Feed yourselves with questioning,
That reason wonder may diminish,
How thus we met, and these things finish.


'Wedding is great Juno's crown: 148
O blessed bond of board and bed!
'Tis Hymen peoples every town;
High wedlock then be honoured.
Honour, high honour, and renown, 152
To Hymen, god of every town!'

Duke S. O my dear niece! welcome thou art to me:
Even daughter, welcome in no less degree.

Phe. [To Silvius.] I will not eat my word, now thou art mine; 156

137 truth . . . contents: i.e., if there be truth in truth
142 sure together: indissolubly united
146 reason: explanation
155 Even daughter; cf. n.