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As You Like It, I. i

my father left me by testament; with that I will
go buy my fortunes. 80

Oli. And what wilt thou do? beg, when that
is spent? Well, sir, get you in: I will not long be
troubled with you; you shall have some part of
your will: I pray you, leave me. 84

Orl. I will no further offend you than becomes
me for my good.

Oli. Get you with him, you old dog.

Adam. Is 'old dog' my reward? Most true,
I have lost my teeth in your service. God be
with my old master! he would not have spoke
such a word. Exeunt Orlando and Adam.

Oli. Is it even so? begin you to grow upon
me? I will physic your rankness, and yet give
no thousand crowns neither. Holla, Dennis!

Enter Dennis.

Den. Calls your worship? 95

Oli. Was not Charles the duke's wrestler here
to speak with me?

Den. So please you, he is here at the door,
and importunes access to you.

Oli. Call him in. [Exit Dennis.] 'Twill be
a good way; and to-morrow the wrestling is.

Enter Charles.

Cha. Good morrow to your worship. 102

Oli. Good Monsieur Charles, what's the new
news at the new court?

Cha. There's no news at the court, sir, but
the old news: that is, the old duke is banished
by his younger brother the new duke; and three
or four loving lords have put themselves into

92 grow: encroach
93 rankness: insolence