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As You Like It, I. i

withal, that either you might stay him from his
intendment, or brook such disgrace well as he
shall run into, in that it is a thing of his own
search and altogether against my will. 144

Oli. Charles, I thank thee for thy love to me,
which thou shalt find I will most kindly requite.
I had myself notice of my brother's purpose
herein, and have by underhand means laboured
to dissuade him from it, but he is resolute. I'll
tell thee, Charles, it is the stubbornest young 150
fellow of France; full of ambition, an envious
emulator of every man's good parts, a secret
and villainous contriver against me his natural
: therefore use thy discretion. I had as
lief thou didst break his neck as his finger. And
thou wert best look to't; for if thou dost him
any slight disgrace, or if he do not mightily
grace himself on thee, he will practise against 158
thee by poison, entrap thee by some treacherous
device, and never leave thee till he hath ta'en
thy life by some indirect means or other; for,
I assure thee,—and almost with tears I speak
it,—there is not one so young and so villainous
this day living. I speak but brotherly of him;
but should I anatomize him to thee as he is, I
must blush and weep, and thou must look pale
and wonder. 167

Cha. I am heartily glad I came hither to you.
If he come to-morrow, I'll give him his payment:

141 withal: therewith
142 intendment: purpose
brook . . . well: endure
148 underhand: indirect
153 natural brother: blood brother
156 look to 't: take care
158 grace himself: do honor to
practise: scheme
165 anatomize: analyse, expose