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As You Like It, II. iv

And do not shear the fleeces that I graze: 80
My master is of churlish disposition
And little recks to find the way to heaven
By doing deeds of hospitality.
Besides, his cote, his flocks, and bounds of feed 84
Are now on sale; and at our sheepcote now,
By reason of his absence, there is nothing
That you will feed on; but what is, come see,
And in my voice most welcome shall you be. 88

Ros. What is he that shall buy his flock and pasture?

Cor. That young swain that you saw here but erewhile,
That little cares for buying anything.

Ros. I pray thee, if it stand with honesty, 92
Buy thou the cottage, pasture, and the flock,
And thou shalt have to pay for it of us.

Cel. And we will mend thy wages. I like this place,
And willingly could waste my time in it. 96

Cor. Assuredly the thing is to be sold:
Go with me: if you like upon report
The soil, the profit, and this kind of life,
I will your very faithful feeder be, 100
And buy it with your gold right suddenly. Exeunt.

82 recks: cares
84 cote: cottage
bounds of feed: range of pasture
88 in my voice: as far as my opinion is concerned
89 What: who
shall: is expected to
92 honesty: honor
95 mend: increase
96 waste: spend
98 upon report: i.e., what is said about
100 feeder: servant