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As You Like It, II. v

counter of two dog-apes, and when a man thanks
me heartily, methinks I have given him a penny
and he renders me the beggarly thanks. Come,
sing; and you that will not, hold your tongues.

Ami. Well, I'll end the song. Sirs, cover the
while; the duke will drink under this tree. He
hath been all this day to look you. 33

Jaq. And I have been all this day to avoid him.
He is too disputable for my company: I think of
as many matters as he, but I give heaven thanks,
and make no boast of them. Come, warble; come.


All together here.

Ami. 'Who doth ambition shun,
And loves to live i' the sun,
Seeking the food he eats, 40
And pleased with what he gets,
Come hither, come hither, come hither:
Here shall he see
No enemy 44
But winter and rough weather.'

Jaq. I'll give you a verse to this note, that I
made yesterday in despite of my invention.

Ami. And I'll sing it. 48

Jaq. Thus it goes:

'If it do come to pass
That any man turn ass,
Leaving his wealth and ease, 52
A stubborn will to please,

27 dog-apes; cf. n.
29 beggarly: i.e., like a beggar
31 cover: spread the cloth for a meal
33 look: look for
35 disputable: inclined to dispute
46 note: tune
47 in . . . invention: in defiance of my imagination