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As You Like It, III. ii

Wherein went he? What makes he here? Did
he ask for me? Where remains he? How parted
he with thee, and when shalt thou see him
again? Answer me in one word. 238

Cel.. You must borrow me Gargantua's mouth
first: 'tis a word too great for any mouth of this
age's size. To say ay and no to these particulars
is more than to answer in a catechism
. 242

Ros. But doth he know that I am in this
forest and in man's apparel? Looks he as freshly
as he did the day he wrestled? 245

Cel. It is as easy to count atomies as to
resolve the propositions of a lover; but take a
taste of my finding him, and relish it with good
. I found him under a tree, like a
dropped acorn.

Ros. It may well be called Jove's tree, when
it drops forth such fruit. 252

Cel. Give me audience, good madam.

Ros. Proceed.

Cel. There lay he, stretch'd along like a
wounded knight. 256

Ros. Though it be pity to see such a sight,
it well becomes the ground.

Cel. Cry 'holla!' to thy tongue, I prithee; it
curvets unseasonably. He was furnish'd like a
hunter. 261

Ros. O, ominous! he comes to kill my heart.

235 Wherein went he: i.e., how was he dressed
makes: does
239 Gargantua's mouth; cf. n.
241 ay . . . catechism; cf. n.
244 freshly: bloomingly
246 atomies: atoms, motes
247 resolve: answer logically
propositions: questions
248 relish: appreciate
good observance: respectful attention
251 Jove's tree; cf. n.
253 audience: hearing, attention
258 becomes: adorns
259 'holla': stop
260 curvets unseasonably: prances ill-timedly
furnish'd: dressed
262 heart: with quibble on 'hart'