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across the shoulders.) You just listen to me, Shloyme. You know I was never unkind to you, even if I haven't been all I might have, lately. But I've always been Sarah to you. Isn't that so? (Looking him straight in the eyes.)

Shloyme, twirling his moustache.

The devil! Deuce knows! I let my head be turned by the girl. . . Just for the time being. . . to get a few roubles. . . Do you really think I meant to marry her? My mother would have cursed every bone in my body. I have a respectable mother. And my sister?


Haven't you any better business prospects than to tie yourself to such a fright and open a place with her? Much there is in the business these days, anyway. It doesn't pay to have to do with outcasts of her type. (Comes close to him and thrusts her ear-rings into his hand.) Here, take these and here's another hundred roubles. Now tell me where Rifkele is.


What's true is true. You were once a good woman. (Winks at her.) Lately you've been spoiled. But that's another matter. Just remember that Shloyme is one of your own crowd. (Pockets her ear-rings.)


And now tell me, Shloyme, where she is. You

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