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Keep the two places apart! . . . (Footsteps are heard outside.)


All right. Just as you say. Only don't make such a racket. (Listening.) Hush. People are coming. It's Reb Ali. (She thrusts her hair back underneath her wig and pulls off her apron. Yekel strokes his beard and straightens his coat. Both stand by the door, expectantly. . . The door opens wide. Enter Shloyme and Hindel. The first is a tall, sturdy chap; wears long boots and a short coat. He is a knavish fellow, whose eyes blink with stealthy cunning as he speaks. The second is a rather old girl, with a wan face and wearing clothes much too young for her years. Shloyme and Hindel are evidently at ease and feel at home.)

Yekel, to Sarah.

Take a look at these guests of mine, will you? (To Shloyme.) I do no business here. Down below. Everything down below. (Pointing to the cellar.) I'll be down right away.


What's the hurry to get rid of us? Are you already ashamed of our company?


Well, what have you got to say for yourself?

[ 17 ]