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Reb Ali is coming, — the Scribe is here ! This is a shame and a disgrace before people!


Let me go. Right on this spot I'll. . . (Tightening his grasp upon Shloyme.)

Reb Ali's Voice

Right here, Scribe. This is the home of the Scroll's donor. (Reb Ali appears in the doorway, first thrusting in his large head, with a pipe between his teeth.) What's all the noise about? In the home of one who has a Scroll of the Law written, all must be joy and happiness. Not quarrelling. (To the Scribe outside.) This way, please. Scribe. (Yekel, at the sound of Reb Ali's voice, releases Shloyme. Sarah runs over to Shloyme and thrusts into his hand a piece of paper money which she has taken from her stocking. She shoves Hindel and Shloyme toward the door; the latter two encounter the Scribe and Reb Ali on the threshold. The pious men stand back from the woman, making way for her and Shloyme.)

Shloyme, to Hindel, as they leave.

Take a peek at the folks he's hob-nobbing with these days. He'll become head of the town before long. (They go off, conversing in indistinct tones.)

Reb Ali, a short, corpulent fellow, who speaks

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