Southall's Wales and Her Language. In writing local history, A. N.Palmer's History of Wrexham and companion volumes are models.
If you turn to a library, you will find much information about Wales in Social England, the Dictionary of National Biography, the publications of the Cymmrodorion and other societies. You will find articles of great value and interest over the names of F. H. Haverfield, J. W. Willis-Bund, Egerton Phillimore, the Honourable Mrs Bulkeley Owen (Gwenrhian Gwynedd), Henry Owen, the late David Lewis,T. F. Tout, J. E. Lloyd, D. Lleufer Thomas, W. Llywelyn Williams, J.Arthur Price, J. H. Davies, J. Ballinger, Edward Owen, Hubert Hall,Hugh Williams, R. A. Roberts, A. W. Wade-Evans, E. A. Lewis. These are only a few out of the many who are now working in the rich and unexplored field of Welsh history. I put down the names only of those I had to consult in writing a small book like this.