Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/231

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E. The Kalinga Edicts.

Facs. and version by Bühler in Burgess, Amarâvatî (A.S,S.I., 1887), revised ed. by Senart and Grierson in Ind. Ant., vol. xix (1890). See also Kern, Manual of Indian Buddhism (Strassburg, 1896), p. 61.

F. The Seven Pillar Edicts.

Standard ed. by Bühler in Ep. Ind., ii (1894), pp. 245-74, with facs. of Lauriyâ-Araâj or Râdhiâ, Lauriyâ-Nandangarh or Mathiâ, and Râmipurwâ. texts. Faacs. of Delhi-Topra, or Sivalik, and Allahabad texts by Fleet and Bühler in Ind. Ant., vol. xiii (1884), p. 306. Revised ed. by Senart and Grierson, ibid., vol. xvii (1888) and xviii (1889).

Michelson, 'Notes on the Pillar Edicts of Asoka,' Indogerm. Forschungen, 1908.

P. E. IV.—Thomas, J. R. A. S., 1916, pp. 120-3.

P. E. V.—Monmohan Chakravarti, 'Animals in the Inscriptions of Piyadasi' (Memoirs A.S.B., 1906). P. E. VII.—D. R. Bhandarkar, Ind. Ant., vol. xiii (1884), p. 310. Thomas, J. R. A. S., 1915, p. 97; and 1916, p. 122.

6. The Four Minor Pillar Edicts.

(1) Sârnâth.—Facs. by Vogel, Ep. Ind., viii. 168. Discussed by Senart, Comptes rendus de l' Académie des Inscriptions, 1907, p. 25; Venis, J. & Proc. A. S. B., 1907; Norman, ibid., 1908; and Boyer, J. As., tome x (1907), p. 119. See also Thomas, J.R.A.S., 1915, p. 112.

(2) Kauśâmbi.—Facs. and transcript by Bühler, Ind. Ant., vol. xix (1890), p. 126; Senart, ibid., vol. xviii (1889), p. 309.

(3) Sânchî.—Facs. and transcript by Bühler, Ep. Ind., ii, 367, 369; corrected ed. by Hultzch, J. R. A. S., 1911, p. 167.

(4) Queen's.—Facs. and transcript by Bühler, Ind. Ant.', vol. xix (1890), p. 125. Emendation by Hultzch, J. R. A. S., 1911, p. 1113.

The interpretation is connected with that of the Minor R. E.