Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/271

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Âbdâdha, meaning of, 178.
Abalmjani, defined, 178.
Abhisheka, defined, 22.
Accounts Department, 163.
Achasmenian empire, 140; architecture, 140; records, 141.
Admiralty Board, 102.
Afghanistan, 15, 75, 76, 80, 104.
Agents, the king's, 198, 202, 203, 214.
Agikhmâni, meaning of, 166.
Agni Brahma, nephew of Asoka, 236.
Ajâtaśtru, king, 47.
Âjivikas, 32, 54, 60, 62, 70, 73, 134, 225, 226.
Akbar, 84, 138.
Alexander (I) the Great, 11, 13, 68, 72, 75; (2) king of Epirus, 43, 73, 186; (3) of Corinth, 188
Alexandria, bas-reliefs of, 143.
Allahabad, pillar and inscriptions, 54, 119, 146, 218, 219.
Almoner's department, 213.
Almsgiving, 31, 65, 181.
Alphabet, see Script.
Amazonian guards, 89.
Âmbhi = Omphis, q. v.
Amitraghâta, title, 18 n. 72.
Ânanda, stûpas of, 40, 41 n., 254.
Ândhras, 42, 186.
Anigultara, quotation from, 156.
Animal fights, 90.
Animals, regulations concerning, 56, 204.
Ant, queen, eaten, 204.
Antigonos, (I) king of Syria, 14; (2) Gauatas, king of Macedonia, 43, 74, 186.
Antiochos, (I) Soter, 18, 72; (2)Theos. 43, 73, 74, 76, 160, 186
Antipater, 11, 12.
Anulâ, princess, 239, 240.
Anusaṁyâna, technical term, 164.
Aparântaka, coast N. of Bombay, 44, 238.
Arachosia, 11, 15, 16, 75, 76 n.
Aramaic script, 128, 139.
Archipelago, Indian, Buddhism in, 46.
Architecture, of Asoka, 108, 135.
Aria, 11, 15, 75.
Arms, Indian, 103, 104 n.
Army, organization of, 101-3.
Artkaśâtra, 17 n., 83 n., 88 n., 89 n., 93 n., 95 n., 96 n., 98 n., 100-102 n., 104 n'., 163, 173, 175, 196, 206.
Arts, in age of Asoka, 134.
Ârya-sthavira-nikâya, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Asandhimitrâ, queen, 260.
Âsinave, meaning of, 200, 201.
Asoka, early life of, 19; coronation of, 20; chronology of, 21, 68, 72; titles of, 22; wars of, 24-6; conversion of, 27, 28, 199 n. ; ethics of, 30—4, 67; monk and monarch, 35-9; parallel cases, 36-8; made pious tours, 39; converted by Upagnpta, 41; organized missions, 42-7; his brother Mahendra, 49-52; published Rock Edicts, 52; appointed Censors, 53; published Pillar Edicts, 54; Council of, 55; his doctrine of sanctity of life,