Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/279

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Sarvâtivâdin, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Śaśânka, king of Bengal, 71.
Satiyaputra, kingdom of, 43, 80 n., 160.
Satrap, title of, 142.
Satyamangalum Tâlûk, 80, 161.
Schism, penalty of, 215, 218, 219.
Schools, of Buddhism, 243 n.
Script, Brâhmî, 139, 144;
Kharoshṭhî, 128, 139, 144.
Sculpture, handmaid of architecture, 135; in bas—re1ief, 137.
Seasons, three, 194.
Seleukos Nikator, 14-16, 18, 19. 72, 75, 162.
Shahbazgarhi, rock inscription at, 126, 185; blunders in edicts, 190.
Shamasastry, Mr. R.,discovered Artltaśâstra, 6, 17n., 83.
Sh1—hwang-ti, Chinese emperor, 81.
Siam, Buddhism in, 46.
Sibyrtios, satrap, 11, 16.
Siddâpura, rock inscription at, 132, 154.

Silk-cotton, 122.
Sind, 11, 81.
Sistan, 11.
Sogdiana, 11.
Sôn, river, 16, 84, 85.
Sons, missionary, 44.
Sopârâ, rock inscription at, 129.
Śrâvastî, city, 40, 41 n., 135 n.
Śrînagar, city, 76.
Stadium, defined, 91 n.
Stasander, governor, 11.
Stasanor, governor, 11.
Sthavira, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Stoic ethics, 34.
Stûpa, defined, 107, 110.
Style, of the edicts, 144.
Sublsiadrângî, another of Asoka, 248.
Subscription, building by, 115.
Sudarśans, lake, 130.
Suhmâ, kingdom, 79.
Sumana, (1) brother of Asoka, 232; (2) son of daughter of Asoka, 136.
Sumitra, saint, 237.
Superintendents of pastures, 183.
Supiyâ or Kama-Chaupur cave, 225.
Surāshṭra, 130.
Surpâraka = Sopârâ, q. v.'
Susîma, brother of Asoka, 247, 249.
Susunâga, king, 231 n.
Suvaṇṇbhûmi = Pegu,44, 238.
Suvarṇagiri, town, 26, 93, 94,149.
Svasas, kingdom of, 246.
Swât. valley. 76, 81.
Syria kings of, 14 18,43, 76, 162.

Tāmalipti Tâmra-, port, 78, 238, 240.
Tamilakam, Tamil Land, 81.
Tamlūk = Tâmalipti, q. v. 79.
Tâmrâparṇi, river, 42, 43, 160, 161, 186.
Tamaśattiya, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Tarâi, Nepalese,' 77, 124, 146, 221.
Taxila, city, Omphis king of, 12, 72; Asoka viceroy of, 20 197, 248; highway to, 91; prince of, 93, 94, 196, 249, 260.
Teeth, used as seal, 260.
Thûpârâma, stûpa, 241.
Tibet, Buddhism in, 46; Ral-pa-chan king of, 51; legends of, 81.
Ti1aura Kôṭ = Kapilavastu, q.v., 40 n.
Tirhût, 2 55.
Tîrthyas, Hindus, opponents of Buddhism, 254.
Tishya (Tissa), (1) brother of Asoka, 232, 236, 242, 244; (2) king of Ceylon, 237; (3) son of Mogali (Moggali), 41, 45, 236-8, 242-4; (4) another saint, 237; (5) constellation and day, 192, 195, 204, 205.