Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/74

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(Indian dates merely approximate)

B.C Regnal
year of
Event. Remarks.
327-25 Indian campaigns of Alexander the Great; Chandragupta in his youth met Alexander.
325-22 Revolt of Indian provinces.
325 Accession of Chandragupta Maurya as king of Magadha and emperor of India.
cir. 324 Murder of Satrap Philippos; Indian provinces placed in charge of Eudêmos and King Âmbhi (Omphis) of Taxila.
323,Junc Death of Alexander at Babylon.
321 Partition_ of Triparadeisos; kings Âmbhi and Pôros in charge of the Panjâb.
cir. 317 Withdrawal of Eudêmos.
315 Seleukos Nikator driven out of Babylon.
312 Recovery of Babylon by Seleukos; Seleukidan era, 1st October.
306 Seleukos assumed title of king.
cir. 305 War between Selenkos and Chandragupta; cession of four satrapies west of Indus by Seleukos; mission of Megasthenes to Pataliputra.
301 Battle of Ipsos. Accession of Bindusâra. Amitraghâta Maurya.
cir. 300 Mission of Deīmachos.
285 Accession of Ptolemy Philadelphos, king of Egypt.
280 Death of Seleukos Nikator; accession of Antiochos Soter, his son.
278 or 277 Accession of Antigonos Gonatas, king of Macedonia.