Page:Assamese-Its formation and development.djvu/10

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PUBLISHERS' NOTE of Historical and Antiquarian Studies is concerned it will always consider it a part of its duty if it can in any way inspire the compilation or be instrumental in the publication of scholarly and scientific treatises like the present one of Dr. Kakati. It can be added that Dr. Kakatfs book was approved for the Ph.D. Degree of the University of Calcutta in 1935, the examiners being Dr. J. Bloch of Paris University, Dr. S. K. Chatterji of Calcutta University, and the late Dr. A. C. Wool- ner of the Punjab University. Assam Secretariat, S. K. Bhuyan, Shlllong, Honorary Provincial Director of the Department March 17, 1941. of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Assam.