Page:Assamese-Its formation and development.djvu/13

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PREFACE xi with system atised informations about the formation of the Assamese language. In respect of collection of materials from early Assamese sources also, the present work may be said to be breaking fresh grounds. The printed early Assamese religious texts meant primarily for popular consumption are careless trans- cripts of the manuscripts without notes or glossarial indexes. In compiling early Assamese forms, whole books had not only to be read through and marked, but also to be collated with the original manuscripts now in the custody of the Kamrup Anusandhan Samiti at Gauhati. None of the manuscripts seems to bo older than 150 years. In the absence of any previous hi^'orical study of the language by any serial -v* and in the absence also of any per- sonal help in th^ maMer of collection and sifting of materials, the following pne,cs embody the resu'K of unaided efforts on my part. The list of books separately appended shews the extent of my indcVedn .^ for theoretical materials to the great masters of N.I A hn^ui^ic But amongst them fre- quent references h; vc been made to the works of Bloch, Chatterji. Gri'T^on, and Turner as the immediate sources of information. So far as the method of treatment is concerned I have tried to follov the foot-mark^ of thrsn eminent teachers. The incentive to undertake this work came from Dr. S. K. Chatterji, MA . Lit.t) (Louden), Khaira Professor of Indian Linguistics, OJcutta Univrr<i*v. He has all through helped me with valuable f-'ig?' f t : '>ns in every conceivable shape and form. My indebtedness t( Vm is beyond measure. The first draft of the manuscript was presented to Dr. S. K. Chatterji for V ;, k1 revision. He very patiently read through the entire manuscript and marked out certain faults of omission and commission. The revised manuscript pre- pared under his guidance and supervision was then sent over under his direction to Dr. J. Bloch (Paris) , for such further suggestions and illumination as he only could give. Dr. Bloch