Page:Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-02).djvu/117

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Astounding Stories 1930-1931 - Thief of Time.jpg

"That man never entered and stole that money as the picture shows,
unless he managed to make himself invisible."

The Thief of Time

By Captain S. P. Meek

The teller turned to the stacked pile of bills. They were gone! And no one had been near!

HARVEY WINSTON, paying teller of the First National Bank of Chicago, stripped the band from a bundle of twenty dollar bills, counted out seventeen of them and added them to the pile on the counter before him.

"Twelve hundred and thirty-one tens," he read from the payroll change slip before him. The paymaster of the Cramer Packing Company nodded an assent and Winston turned to the stacked bills in his rear currency rack. He picked up a handful of bundles and turned back to the grill. His gaze swept the counter where, a moment before, he had stacked the twenties, and his jaw dropped.

"You got those twenties, Mr. Trier?" he asked.