Page:Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-03).djvu/20

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I stood on the turret-balcony of the Planetara with Dr. Frank, watching the arriving passengers.

Brigands of the Moon

(The Book of Gregg Haljan)


By Ray Cummings

Black mutiny and brigandage stalk the Space-ship Planetara at she speeds to the Moon to pick op a fabulously rich cache of radium-ore.

Foreword by Ray Cummings

I HAVE been thinking that if, during one of those long winter evenings at Valley Forge, someone had placed in George Washington's hands one of our present day best sellers, the illustrious Father of our Country would have read it with considerable emotion. I do not mean what we call a story of science, or fantasy—just a novel of action, adventure and romance. The sort of thing you and I like to read.