Page:Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-12).djvu/143

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Play the Hawaiian Guitar like the Hawaiians/ ataatcr there quickly. I'lcturcs i thing captained rlcariy. ■toy In HaM H*tr < j>ft*r foo e«t the f oor tut mMiena TOO vtay karatei'lOB* chord* *><h Mn.Mtlt* or«ctic«. n No 0|VW u'hfn jou enroll VlfAn —a sweet toned ■AWA1IAN CfJITAK, C .rrylug Playing Owtflt— ■ ' i *..-!.,;../ r**a SEND FOR FREE CATALOG 2000 illustrations — Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry — Largest Diamond and Watch Credit House in the World. LOFTIS BROS. & CO. Dopt. a- tea 108 N. State St.. Chicago, III. HEW SCIENTIFIC WON DER 3-25C no stamp! BlGFU ... Bone* in Flexfa. FRKK Pkir. railio uic.ure films, take* picture* without camcia. You'll like 'em. (1 pkg. wtlb each 2Se oritur.) MARVEL MFG. CO., Dept. EG. NEW HAVEN. CONN. MONEY FARYai] L AT HOME _ YOU can earn food mooey in tpara time at maldagjuaplay cards. No telling or tina> W( imtruct you, furniah com- pjeta outfit and supply you with work. write to-day for fre* booklet. Tha MBNHENTTT COMPANY, Limited 243 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ■ DEAFNESS IS MISERY Many people with defective hearing and Head Noun enjoy cooreriation, (0(0 Theatre and Church became they uk Leonard laviiible Ear Drum* which reMroble Tiny Megaphonei fitting in the Ear entirely out of tight. No wiret, batteriei or head piece. They are inexpcniive. Trite for booklet and iworn itatement of QfH/fil ' the inventor who wai Limiclf deaf . U. UOMAnO, tos.. taitt S83. 70 Gtfc Ave., Hew York — v Hen and Women WANTED AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE »54aWEEK I want to get in touch with a man or woman in each locality who is ambitious to make money and who wants good, steady work. If you are that person I will make you a wonderful offer. I will give you a splendid opportunity to make $54 a week in pleasant, short-hour work that anyone — anywhere — can do. You don't need experience. All you do is carry out a few sim- ple instructions and help me handle my busi- ness in your locality. Work can be done in day-ttme or evenings. Marek Clears $100 in a Week My money-making business is time-tested and proven. W. A. Marek, a 21-year-old Connecti- cut boy, makes $65 to $75 a week with me — often as much as $100 in a week. Mrs. Carrie McCalmant of Nebr., a housewife with 2 chil- dren, makes $50 a week working only 2 days a week. Sol. Korenblit, a" New Yorker, makes $110 a week. Mrs. Edgar Crouthamel, of Penn., cleared $89.72 in a single week. These remark- able earnings show the wonderful possibilities. Is there any reason why you can't do as well? NO CAPITAL NEEDED In this small space I can't give you all the de- tails, but if you will send me your name I will rush my written offer to you. You can get started making big money at once. No need to write a letter. Just mail the coupon. But do it now— before someone else gets ahead of you. MAIL Bmplovment Mgr., 8120 Monmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. -- , ._ J I work in my locality that offers a chance to make $M | . a week— starting at once.

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