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Since in the lowly valleys everywhere

God scatters blossoms that are passing fair,

Think what the vales of Paradise will show:

How rare must be the plants that blossom there!

'God Grant the Years Go Slow '

God grant the years go slow;

God grant the days be long;

And lazily fall the twilight glow,

Linger the Even-song.

Yon moon that fills the West

With its silver-tinted gleams

Will quickly sink to rest

And leave the world to dreams:

So to-morrow s sun will rise

Out of the gaudy dawn

And fill the Summer skies

Then sink—and a day is gone.

I dread the day, Sweetheart,

When I shall kiss your hand

Farewell and alone we part

And go to another land;

For beyond the little way

We see with human eye,

Of it all we can only say:

We live, we love, we die.

So I pray that the years go slow;

God grant the days be long;

And lazily fall the twilight glow,

Sing slowly the Even-song.