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In Some Sad Hour

In some sad hour I'll hold your trembling hand

And plead the passing moments for delay,

When one of us must pass beyond the real

And one must stay.

It matters not to us which it shall be;

Who first shall tread alone the hidden ways;

But God be gentle in that lonely hour

To one who stays.

A Valentine

If white-winged Peri from the golden gate

Should ask what gift to me would be most dear

From her bright home above,

Quick would the thought and quick the pleading be

That from her bounteous gifts of land and sea

I still might keep your love.

So on this day when Cupid walks abroad

And shoots his arrows from a golden bow

To aid St. Valentine,

I only ask that through the years to be

Whatever else the fates may hold for me

Your love may still be mine.