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Since Dinah Went Away

To-night in negro exile, in dis far-off Northern clime,
I dreamed I saw de cabin home of old,
Down beside de Southern river, and de eve was Summer-time
And de story of my sorrow there is told.

De whippo'-will was singin and de breeze was blowing slow,
De air was full of perfume of de co'n,
But de shadows fall so heavy and de stars kind hanging low,
'Cause Dinah, just my Dinah, she is gone.

No softness in de twilight since my Dinah went away,
No twinkle in de stars dat shine for love,
And de dog, he look much sadder and kinder pine away
Since Dinah died and went up there above.

De cabin it is just de same to others I suppose,
The fields as green and other things as gay,
But a gloom is in de twilight and a darkness in my soul
Since Dinah, just my Dinah, went away.