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General Introduction, Part I.: by the Editor
are cited as SV. i. 586 to i. 641, and as edited by S. Goldschmidt in the Monatsbericht der k. Ak. der Wiss. zu Berlin, session of Apr. 23, 1868. Cf. note to AV. iv. 26. 1 and to xiii. 2. 23.

TA. = Tāittirīya-Āraṇyaka. Ed. Bibl. Ind. 1872. There is also a Poona ed.

TB. = Tāittirīya-Brāhmaṇa. Ed. Bibl. Ind. 1859-? There is also a Poona ed.

TPr. = Tāittirīya-Prātiçākhya. Ed. W. D. Whitney. In JAOS. (ix. 1-469). 1871.

Trans. = Transactions.

TS. = Tāittirīya-Saṁhitā. Ed. A. Weber. In Ind. Stud., vol's xi. and xii. Leipzig. 1871-2. There is also a Poona ed.

Vāit. = Vāitāna-Sūtra. Ed. R. Garbe. London. 1878. German transl. by him. Strassburg. 1878.

Ved. Stud. = Vedische Studien. Von R. Pischel und K. F. Geldner. Stuttgart. vol's. 1889. 1897. 1901.

VPr. = Vājasaneyi-Prātiçākhya. Ed. A. Weber. In Ind. Stud. (iv.). 1857-8. Skt. and German.

VS. = Vājasaneyi-Saṁhitā. Ed. A. Weber. Berlin. 1852.

vs. (never v., which is used as meaning 5) = verse: vss. = verses: of., for example, line 2 of note to iv. 12. 1.

W. = Whitney; or, sometimes the codex W.

Weber (without further indication of title) = Weber's Indische Studien: see above, Ind. Stud.

Weber, Omina und Portenta: in Abh. der k. Ak. der Wiss. for 1858. Berlin. 1859.

Weber, Rājasūya = Ueber die Königsweihe, den Rājasūya: in Abh. der k. Ak. der Wiss. for 1893. Berlin. 1893.

Weber, Sb.: for the meaning in book xviii., see below, p. 813.

Weber, Vājapeya = Ueber den Vājapeya: in Sb. der k. Ak. der Wiss. for 1892, pages 765-813. Berlin. 1892.

Weber, Vedische Beiträge.

Under this title was issued a series of 9 articles in Sb. der k. Ak. der Wiss. zu Berlin, from 1894 to 1901. They are usually cited by Sb. and the date. For the AV., the most important is no. 4 (1895, concluded 1896), treating book xviii., as explained below, p. 813.

Weber's Translations of books i.-v. and xiv. and xviii.: for these, see p. cvii.

Wh. or Whitney, Grammar: see above, under Grammar.

Whitney, Index Verborum: see above, under Index.

Whitney, O. and L.S.: see above, under O. and L.S.

Whitney, Roots = The Roots, Verb-forms, and primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language. Leipzig. 1885.

Whitney's other contributions relating to the AV.: for some of these, see Preface, pages xxiii, xxv, xxvi.

Winternitz or (in book xiv.: cf. below, p. 738) simply Wint. = his Hochzeitsrituell in the Denkschriften der k. Ak. der Wiss., vol. xl. Vienna. 1892.

Wiss. = Wissenschaften.

WZKM. = Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Vienna. 1887-.

ZDMG. = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 1847-.

Zimmer (without further indication of title) = his Altindisches Leben. Berlin. 1879.

Zwei Hss. = Zwei Handschriften der k. k. Hofbibliothek in Wien mit Fragmenten des Kāṭhaka. By von Schroeder. In Sb. der k. Ak. der Wiss. for 1895 (38 pages). Vol. cxxxiii. Vienna. 1896.

14. Tabular View of Translations and Native Comment

Previous translations.—Native commentary.—It may prove useful to have, in convenient tabular form, a list of the most important or comprehensive previous translations, with dates; and also a list of those parts of