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-iii. 31

9. With the breath of the breathing do thou breathe; be just here; do not die: I away from etc. etc.

Our Bp., with two of SPP's pada-mss. ⌊s.m.!⌋, accents ána at end of a. The comm. allows the first part of b to be addressed alternatively to breath.

10. Up with life-time; together with life-time; up with the sap of the herbs: I away from etc. etc.

The first half-verse, with the first half of our vs. 11, makes a verse occurring in several texts: TS. (i. 2. 81), TA. (iv. 42, vs. 31: agrees precisely with TS.), VS. (Kāṇv. ii. VII. 5), AÇS. (i. 3. 23), PGS. (iii. 2. 14). All these read svāyúṣā instead of sám ā́ytiṣā in a; and VS. and PGS. lack the second pāda. The comm. points out that asthāma is to be understood from vs. 11.

11. Hither with Parjanya's rain have we stood up immortal: I away from etc. etc.

The other texts (see under the preceding verse) all begin with út instead of ā́; for vṛṣṭyā́, TS.TA. have çúṣmeṇa, VS.AÇS. dhā́mabhis, PGS. dṛṣiyā; for b, PGS. gives pṛthivyāḥ saptadhāmabhiḥ, all the others úd asthām amṛ́tāṅ ánu. ⌊Here the comm., in citing the refrain, reads vyāham, which, as implying vy-ā-vṛt, is equally good.⌋

As in several cases above, it is obvious that this hymn has been expanded to a length considerably greater than properly belongs to it by breaking up its verses into two each, pieced out with a refrain. It would be easy to reduce the whole material to six verses, the norm of this book, by adding the refrain in vs. 1 only (or possibly also in vs. 4, with ejection of the senseless and apparently intruded vs. 5), and then combining the lines by pairs—as the parallel texts prove that vss. 10 and 11 are rightly to be combined. ⌊The critical status of ii. 10 is analogous; see the note to ii. 10. 2.⌋

The sixth and last anuvāka has 6 hymns, with 44 verses; and the old Anukr. reads: caturdaçā ’ntyaḥ (but further -ntyānuvākasaççaç?⌋ ca saṁkhyā vidadhyād adhikānimittāt, which is obscure). ⌊☞ See p. cxl, top.⌋

Here ends also the sixth prapāṭhaka.

Not one of our mss. adds a summary of hymns and verses for the whole book.