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iv. 31-

to the aparājita gaṇa. And the comm. quotes them as employed by the Çānti K. (15) in the grahayajña.

Translated: by the RV. translators; and Griffith, i. 173; Weber, xviii. 125.

1. In alliance (sarátham) with thee, O fury, battering, feeling excitement, excited, O companion of the Maruts, having keen arrows, sharpening up their weapons, let [our] men go forward unto [the foe], having forms of fire.

This verse is found further in TB. (in ii. 4. 110). RV. and TB. read for b hárṣamāṇāso dhṛṣitā́* marutvaḥ; at beginning of d, RV. has the decidedly preferable abhí for úpa; TB. gives in d yanti, and this is also the reading of Ppp.—which moreover separates tīkṣṇā iṣ- in c, and combines -çāno ’pa in c-d. Three of our mss. (O.Op.K.) so far agree with RV. as to read dhṛṣitāsas in b; the comm. has instead ruṣitāsas. The comm. explains manyús as krodhābhimānī devaḥ 'wrath personified as a god.' *⌊In both ed's, TB. has the adverb dhṛṣatā́.⌋

2. Like fire, O fury, do thou, made brilliant, overpower; invoked, O powerful one, do thou be our army-leader; having slain the foes, share out their possession (védas); making () force, thrust away the scorners (mṛ́dh).

Many of our mss. (P.M.W.E.I.H.p.m.K.), with some of SPP's, accent sáhasva in a; and in b some mss. (including our P.M.W.) read -nī́r ṇaḥ. Ppp. has jitvāya for hatvāya in c. The abbreviation of iva to ’va in a would remove the bhurij character of the verse. The comm. explains tviṣita in a by pradīpta.

3. Overpower for us (?), O fury, the hostile plotter; go forward breaking, killing, slaughtering the foes; thy formidable rush (? pā́jas) surely they have not impeded; thou, controlling, shalt bring them under control, O sole-born one.

The translation given follows in a the RV. reading asmé, which was also received by emendation into our text; all the mss. and the comm. have instead asmāí, which SPP. retains. ⌊Ppp. has abhimātim asmahe; our mss. R.T., asmāi.⌋ Our P.M.W. give in c rarudhre (or the equivalent -ddhre, which is assumed under Prāt. i. 94); and SPP. asserts that all his authorities have it, and therefore receives it into his text, in spite of its evidently blundering character; the comm. reads rur-. Several of our mss. (P.M.W.E.H.) read in d vaçán; for nayāsāi, after it, RV. has nayase. The comm. explains pā́jas in c by balam.

4. Thou art the one praised (?) of many, O fury; sharpen up clan on clan (víç) unto fighting; with thee as ally (yuj), O thou of undivided brightness (?), we make a clear noise unto victory.

RV. has at the end kṛṇmahe, as has also Ppp. The translation follows in a the RV. reading īḻitás, given also by the comm., and by one of SPP's authorities that follows him; īḑitā́ would have to be something like 'inciter, persuader to the conflict.' RV. further reads yudháye for yuddhā́ya in b, and in a combines manyav īḻ-; our manya īḑ- is quoted in the comment to Prāt. i. 81 as the AV. reading. The obscure ákṛttaruk in c is explained by the comm. as acchinnadīpti. Besides being bhurij, the verse (12 + 11: 10 + 12 = 45) is quite irregular.