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-v. 25

11. Indra is overlord of heaven; let him favor etc. etc.

In Ppp. (9) Indra is overlord of acts or rites (kárman); in TS. and ÇÇS., of chiefs (jyeṣṭhá).

12. The father of the Maruts is overlord of cattle; let him favor etc. etc.

In Ppp. (13) and in TS., this overlordship is ascribed, equivalently, to Rudra; it is wanting in ÇÇS.

13. Death is overlord of creatures (prajā́); let him favor etc. etc.

In Ppp. (18) it is Prajāpati instead of death; and so also in ÇÇS.; TS. has nothing corresponding.

14. Yama is overlord of the Fathers; let him etc. etc.

This item is number 19 in Ppp.; but in ÇÇS. it is wanting; and in TS. Yama is set over the earth. Here, again, the reading pitreṇā́m is found in one ms. (Bp.). Additional items in TS. are bṛ́haspátir bráhmaṇaḥ, mitráḥ satyā́nām (ÇÇS. the same), samudráḥ srotyā́nām, ánnaṁ sā́ṁrājyānām, tváṣṭā rūpā́ṇām (ÇÇS. tv. samidhāṁ rūpāṇām); ÇÇS. has only those already given.

15. The upper (pára) Fathers—let them favor etc. etc.

16. The lower (ávara) Fathers (tatá)—let them favor etc. etc.

17. The Fathers (tatá), the grandfathers (tatāmahá)—let them favor etc. etc.

The translation implies emendation to tatā́s at the beginning of vs. 17, as the sense seems to require, and as the other texts suggest. Ppp. combines vss. 15-17, reading pitaras pare ‘varas tatas tadāmahas te mā etc.; TS. (iii. 4. 5: and PGS.), pítaraḥ pitāmahāḥ pare ‘vare tátās tatāmahā ihá mā etc.; TS. iv. 3. 32, pitáraḥ pitāmahā́ḥ páré ‘vare té naḥ etc., with which MS. agrees. Two of our mss. (O.D.) begin vs. 17 with tatás tat-; the rest have tátas, and our printed text follows them.

25. For successful conception.

[Brahman.—trayodaçakam. yonigarbhadevatyam. ānuṣṭubham: 13. virāṭpurastādbṛhatī.]

Found (except vs. 2, and some end-repetitions) also in Pāipp. xiii. (in the verse-order 1, 5, 3, 4, 7. 10, 8, 6, 9). The hymn is quoted in Kāuç. (35. 5) in the ceremony for male conception (puṁsavana); and vs. 7 (unless it be rather vi. 95. 3, which the comm. to vi. 95 holds) in Vāit. 28. 20.

Translated: Weber, Ind. Stud. v. 227; Ludwig, p. 478; Griffith, i. 229; Weber, xviii. 264.

1. Brought together from the cloud (? párvata), from the womb (yóni) of the sky, from every member, let the virile organ, seed-placer of the embryo, set (ā-dhā) [it] like the feather on the shaft.

Or 'from the sky [as] womb.' That which is 'brought together' is the thing (seed) to be 'deposited.' The translation of d implies emendation to çárāu; Weber conjectures tsarāu. The insertion of the feather in the arrow-shaft is elsewhere also the subject of comparison as a work of effective skill; cf. RV. x. 18. 14 b. The verse is