Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/113

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-x. 2

9. Numerous things dear and not dear, sleep, oppressions and wearinesses, delights and pleasures—from where does formidable man bring (vah) them?

Ppp. reads in b -tandriyaḥ, and in d again pāur-.

10. Whence now in man [come] mishap, ruin, perdition, misery, accomplishment, success, non-failure? whence thought (matí), uprisings (úditi)?

The minor Pet. Lex. suggests for úditi 'end, disappearance.' Ppp. reads in b kuto ‘dhi pur-. Vyṛddhis instead of ávy- would improve both sense and meter.

11. Who disposed in him waters, moving apart, much moving, produced for river-running, strong (tīvrá), ruddy, red, dark and turbid, upward, downward, crosswise in man?

Ppp. reads in a āpo dadhāt, and in c combines (as the meter requires us to read) tīvrā ’ruṇā. The verse (8 + 8 + 7: 11 + 11 = 45) is very stupidly defined as jagatī by the Anukr.

12. Who set form in him? who both bulk (mahmán) and name? who [set] in him progress (gātú)? who display (ketú)? who [set] behaviors (carítra) in man?

Ppp. again pāuruṣe at the end.

13. Who wove in him breath? who expiration and respiration (vyāná)? what god attached (adhi-çri) conspiration (samāná) to man here?

Ppp. reads adadhāt for avayat in a, and again pāuruṣe.

14. What one god set sacrifice in man here? who [set] in him truth? who untruth? whence [comes] death? whence the immortal?

Ppp. reads, for b etc., eko ‘gre adhi pāuruṣe: ko anṛtaṁ ko mṛtyuṁ ko amrtaṁ dadhāu.

15. Who put about him clothing (vā́sas)? who prepared (kalpay-) his life-time? who extended to him strength? who prepared his swiftness?

Ppp. reads for a ko vāsasā pari dadhāt, and elides ko ‘syā- in d.

16. With what did he stretch the waters along? with what did he make the day to shine? with what did he kindle (anu-idh) the dawn? with what did he give the coming-on of evening?

The pada-text reads ā́paḥ (as in 11 a) in a. Ppp. elides ‘nv after it. ⌊For āindha, cf. Gram. §684 c.⌋

17. Who put in him seed, saying "let his line be extended"? who conveyed into him wisdom? who gave (dhā) [him] music? who dances?

Ppp. has, for a, ko ‘smin reto ‘dadhāt; at end of b, itaḥ; for d, ko vāçām ko anṛtaṁ dadhāu.