Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/124

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x. 5-

⌊Render: 'for a use conducive to victory, with uses of incantation [or with masterly uses] [or with Brahman uses] I use you.' In brahma- I am inclined to see a triple çleṣa, the second sense being like that in the title Brahma-jāla-sutta (of the Dīghanikāya), 'the boss-net, the master-net.' In the first and second senses, brahma- is pertinent: not so in the sense of Brahman, in which last, however, it serves well enough for a point of departure for kṣatram, considering what black magic this is.⌋

2. Indra's force etc. etc.; unto a conquering junction, with kṣatrá-junctions I join you.

The connection of vss. 1 and 2 indicates that bráhman and kṣatrá, as often elsewhere, typify the Brahman and Kshatriya classes or castes.

3. Indra's force etc. etc.; unto a conquering junction, with Indra-junctions I join you.

Ppp. reads in c annayogāis.

4. Indra's force etc. etc.; unto a conquering junction, with Soma-junctions I join you.

Ppp. has this time brahmayogāis.

5. Indra's force etc. etc.; unto a conquering junction, with water-junctions I join you.

Ppp. reads apāṁ yogāis.

6. Indra's force etc. etc.; unto a conquering junction; let all existences wait upon (upa-sthā) me; joined to me are ye, O waters.

The Anukr. quotes this verse by the first words that are peculiar to it, viz. viçvānī mā, but its description applies to the whole (25: 6 + 11 + 6 = 48); probably jagatī-garbhā is an oversight for triṣṭubgarbhā. The Kāuç. quotes the common pratīka of the six verses at 49. 3, in a witchcraft-ceremony; and their common second part (jiṣṇave yogāya) at 49. 4, to accompany the 'joining of waters' (ity apo yunakti). According to the editor of Kāuç., vss. 6 and 7 are quoted also in 49. 24, 25; but it does not appear why the 'sixth' and 'seventh' verses of this hymn should be intended. ⌊Caland, p. 173, in fact understands xiii. 3. 6, 7 as intended.⌋ According to the comm. to Kāuç. 47. 31, these verses, with vss. 15-21, 42, 50, accompany the hurling of 'water-thunderbolts' (udavajra: cf. vs. 50 below), whatever those may be; it is perhaps their preparation that is the subject of these verses; in Kāuç. 49. 13, only vss. 15-21, 42, 50 are quoted together, in connection with the same ⌊cf. the introduction⌋. ⌊See above, p. lxxvi.⌋

7. Agni's portion are ye, sperm (? çukrám) of the waters, O heavenly waters; put ye splendor in us; with the ordinance (dhā́man) of Prajāpati I set you for this world.

Ppp. reads devīr āpo.

8. Indra's portion are ye, sperm of the etc. etc.

9. Soma's portion are ye, sperm of the etc. etc.

10. Varuṇa's portion are ye, sperm of the etc. etc.

11. Mitra-and-Varuṇa's portion are ye, sperm of the etc. etc.