Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/126

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x. 5-

We had the second half-verse as vii. 64. 1 c, d; and Ppp. has again the same variants as there; it also reads in a āikahāyanāt. The word trāihāyaṇā́t (p. trāihāyanā́t) is noted in Prāt. iv. 83. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 46. 50 in a. prāyaçcitta ceremony ⌊Keç.: for lying or cheating⌋; and it is reckoned (see note to Kāuç. 32. 27) as belonging to the aṅholin̄ga gaṇa. The Anukr. does not heed the redundant syllable in a.

23. I send you forth to the ocean; go ye unto your own lair; uninjured, of completed years (?); and let nothing whatever ail (am) us.

The third pāda apparently belongs to 'us,' though out of construction. ⌊As to -hāyas, of. viii. 2. 7, note, and Bergaigne, Rel. Véd., iii. 287.⌋ The last pāda occurred above, as vi. 57. 3 b. The first two pādas, with the first word of the third, are found also in several sūtras: ÇÇS. iv. 11. 6; LÇS. ii. i. 7; PGS. i. 3. 14; AÇS. iii. 11. 6; Āp. xiii. 18. 1; iv. 14. 4; the first three read in b abhi gacchata, the others api gacchata (and Āp. iv. 14. 4 has acchidraḥ instead of ariṣṭāḥ); the end of the verse is entirely different from ours, and more or less discordant in the various works. ⌊See also MGS. ii. 11. 18 and the Index, p. 157.⌋ Kāuç. quotes the verse at 6. 17, in a parvan ceremony; and with vs. 24, at 136. 6. Ppp. reads in a vo ’pasṛjāmi ⌊and inverts the order of vss. 23 and 24⌋.

24. Free from defilement (-riprá) [are] the waters; [let them carry] away from us defilement, forth from us sin, mishap (duritá), they of good aspect; let them carry forth evil dreaming, forth filth.

The verse is in part repeated below, as xvi. 1. 10, 11.

[B1. (vss. 25-35). Kāuçika.—ekādaça. viṣṇukramadevatyā uta pratimantroktadevatyāḥ. 25-35. 3-av. 6-p. yathākṣaraṁ çakvaryatiçatvarī.]

[B2. (vs. 36). Mārtvī (?).—5-p. atiçākvarātijāgatagarbhā ’ṣṭi. See introduction.]

25. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, earth-sharpened (-sáṁçita), Agni-brightened; after earth I stride out; from earth we disportion him who hates us, whom we hate; let him not live; him let breath quit.

The Pāipp. version of sections B. and C. agrees with that of our text with only trifling differences; the details are not furnished. It is not difficult to read this and the following verses of B. into çakvarī and atiçakvarī verses, as required by the Anukr. (this, for example, as 10 + 10: 9 + 8: 9 + 10 = 56). The whole section, apparently, is quoted by its common pratīka in Kāuç. 6. 14, to accompany the taking of the Viṣṇu strides in a parvan ceremony; and again in 49. 14 ⌊after hurling the water-bolts: cf. introd.⌋. ⌊Cf. vii. 31. 1 d.⌋

26. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, atmosphere-sharpened, Vayu-brightened; after atmosphere I stride out; from atmosphere we disportion him who etc. etc.

27. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, sky-sharpened, sun-brightened; after the sky I stride out; from the sky we disportion him who etc. etc.

A single ms. (R.) reads dyāúḥsaṁçitaḥ.

28. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, quarter-sharpened, mind-brightened; after the quarters I stride out; from the quarters we disportion him who etc. etc.