Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/143

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-x. 8

22. Enjoyable shall he become, likewise shall he eat much food, who shall worship (upa-ās) the everlasting god who gives superiority (uttarā́vant).

⌊After bhógyo bhavat, for which there are no variants, Bp. has a mark of pāda-division; but the Anukr. evidently scans as 12: 8 + 8, eliding the a of ánnam after a pragṛhya.⌋ Bhā́gyo at the beginning is a misprint for bhógyo.

23. Everlasting they call him, also may he be at present ever-renewed; day and night are generated (pra-jā) in each other's forms.

The pada-text reads anyáḥ: anyásya in d, although the masc. anyás shows that the two words are virtually a compound, as later.

24. A hundred, a thousand, a myriad, a hundred million, an innumerable [number], is his own entered into him; that of him they slay, even as he looks on; therefore this god shines (ruc) thus.

Instead of eṣa etat at the end, Ppp. reads what appears to be agha bhavat. The version is as literal (and as unintelligent) as possible. The Anukr. takes no notice of the irregularity of the meter; it is possible, by violence, to count only 44 syllables in the verse.

25. One thing is more minute (áṇu) than a child (bā́la), also one is hardly (né ’va) seen; than that a more embracing deity, is she dear to me.

Ppp. reads, for a, ārāgramātraṁ dadṛçe, and begins c with ataṣ pa-, thus doing nothing to help our comprehension of the wholly obscure verse.

26. This beautiful one (f.) [is] unaging, an immortal in the house of a mortal; for whom she [was] made, he lies; he who made [her] grew old.

Ppp. reads tasmāi for yasmāi in c. ⌊The natural reading of b would be mártyasya amṛ́ta gṛhé; but⌋ the definition of the Anukr. forbids us to make ⌊it. Can a sā́ have dropped out before çáye sá? Cf. note to iv. 5. 5.⌋

27. Thou art woman, thou [art] man, thou boy, or also girl; thou, when aged, totterest (vañc) with a staff; thou, when born, becomest facing all ways.

Ppp. politely puts kumārī first and kumāras second in b, and reads jātam in d. The verse is found, without variant, in Çvet. Up. iv. 3. It is so far correctly described by the Anukr. that it counts 37 syllables (7 + 10: 9 + 11 = 37).

28. Both their father, or also their son; both the chief or also the meanest (kaniṣṭhá) of them; the one god, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb.

The verse is also found, quoted as a çloka, in JUB. 85 (iii. 10. 12): utāi ’ṣāṁ jāiṣṭha uta vā kaniṣṭha utāi ’ṣāṁ putra uta vā pitāi ’ṣāṁ: eko ha devo manasi praviṣṭaḥ pūrvo ha jajñe sa u garbhe ‘ntaḥ. Ppp. reads, for a, b, ute ’va jyeṣṭho ’ta vā kaniṣṭho ’tāi ’ṣa bhrāto ’ta vā pitāi ’ṣaḥ; and, in d, pūrvo jātaḥ.

29. The full from the full he bends up (ud-ac); the full is poured with the full; also that may we know today, whence that is poured out.