Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/149

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-x. 10

It is very much out of place to reckon five pādas (12 + 9: 8 + 7 + 11 = 47) in this verse; but the pada-ms. supports the Anukr., by making a mark of pāda-division after mātaríçvā; evidently either this word or pávamānas (rather the former) is an intrusion in c. ⌊The last pāda we had as vi. 71. 1 d.⌋ The verse is quoted in Vāit. 4. 9; also (with vi. 122, 123) in Kāuç. 63. 29, to accompany the closing libations. Ppp. reads in b ye vā çūrpe taṇḍulāṣ kaṇāḥ.

27. The heavenly waters, rich in honey, dripping with ghee, I seat in separate succession in the hands of the priests (brahmán); with what desire I now pour you on, let all that fall to my lot; may we be lords of wealth.

Ppp. begins a with imā āpo madh-, and c with yatkāme ’dam. Compare the verses vi. 122. 5 and xi. 1. 27, which are in part coincident with this; ⌊also MGS. i. 5. 4 and Index under devīr āpo. The verse (rather than i. 4. 3, which has the same pratīka) is quoted in Kāuç. 65. 8, to accompany the setting of water pots. The metrical definition of the Anukr. suits well enough.

⌊The quoted Anukr. says "aghāyatām": cf . vs. 1.⌋

10. Extolling the cow (vaçā́).

[Kaçyapa.—catustriṅçat. mantroktavaçādevatyam. ānuṣṭubham: 1. kakummatī; 5. skandhogrīvābṛhatī; 6, 8, 10. virāj; 23. bṛhatī; 24. upariṣṭādbṛhatī; 26. āstārapan̄kti; 27. çan̄kumatī; 29. 3-p. virāḍ gāyatrī; 31. uṣṇiggarbhā; 32. virāṭ pathyābṛhatī.]

Found also in Pāipp. xvi. ⌊with the verse-sequence 15 a, b, 14 c, d, 13, 14 a, b, 15 c, d, 17, 16, 18; vs. 3 is lacking⌋. Not noticed in Vāit., and only once in Kāuç., at 66. 20, where vs. 1 (or the hymn ⌊rather the hymn⌋) is used, with xii. 4, to accompany the sprinkling of an offered cow.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 534; Deussen, Geschichte, i. 1. 234 (cf. p. 230 f., 233 f.); Henry, 35, 85; Griffith, ii. 45.

1. Homage to thee while being born, homage also to thee when born; to thy tail-tuft, hoofs, form, O inviolable one, be homage.

The Anukr. chooses to reject the common resolution -bhi-as (twice) in c.

2. Whoso may know the seven advances (? pravát), [and] may know the seven distances, whoso may know the head of the sacrifice—he may accept the cow (vaçā́).

Ppp. reads in b veda instead of vidyāt. The verse is quoted by pratīka in GB. i. 2. 16.

3. I know the seven advances, I know the seven distances; I know the head of the sacrifice, and the outlooking soma in her.

This verse, with a part of the preceding one, is wanting in Ppp. ⌊Asyām, sc. vaçā́yām.⌋

4. By whom the sky, by whom the earth, by whom these waters are guarded—the cow, of a thousand streams (-dhā́rā), we address with worship (bráhman).

We need to resolve -dhāra-ām in c in order to make out the full pāda which the Anukr. assumes.