Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/151

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-x. 10

14. Since she has united with the wind, and with all winged ones, the cow danced forth in the ocean, bearing the verses, the chants.

Ppp. combines (as above noted) our 15 a, b and 14 c, d, and then again our 14 a, b and 15 c, d, without other variant.

15. Since she has united with the sun, and with all sight, the cow has overlooked the ocean, bearing excellent lights.

Some of the mss. (P.M.E.) read in c aty akṣad (K. akṣyad).

16. As, O righteous one, thou didst stand decked (abhi-vṛ) with gold, the ocean, having become a horse, mounted (adhi-skand) thee, O cow.

Ppp. puts this verse after our 17.

17. There the excellent ones united, the cow, the directress, also the svadhā́, where Atharvan, consecrated, sat on a golden barhís.

The second half-verse is identical with 12 c, d above. Ppp. reads in a gachanti.

18. The cow is mother of the noble (rājanyà), the cow thy mother, O svadhā́; from the cow was born the weapon; from it was born intent (cittá).

The translation implies the obvious emendation of yajñé in c to jajñé, as at iv. 24. 6 ⌊see note thereto⌋.

19. The globule (bindú) went (car) up aloft, out of the summit (kákuda) of the bráhman; thence wast thou born, O cow; thence was the invoker born.

20. From thy mouth came (bhū) the songs (gā́thā), from thy nape-bones, O cow, [came] force; from thy belly (? pājasyà) was born the sacrifice, from thy teats the rays.

Ppp. reads in a bhavanti for abhavan.

21. From thy (two) fore-legs (īrmá) motion (áyana) was born, and from thy thighs (sákthi), O cow; from thine entrails were born eaters (attrá), out from thy belly (udára) the plants.

Ppp. reads at the beginning ayurmābhyām, and in c yatrā jajñire. ⌊For atrā́s, cf. note to i. 7. 3.⌋

22. When (yát), O cow, thou didst enter along the belly of Varuṇa, thence the priest (brahmán) called thee up; for he knew thy guidance (netrá).

23. All trembled at the embryo, while being born, of her who gives not birth (? asūsū́); for "the cow hath given birth," they say of her; shaped (m.) by charms (bráhman); for it is her connection.

Much here is obscure and doubtful. Asūsū́ (not divided in p.) ought, by its accent, to be asū-sū 'giving birth to one who does not herself give birth' ⌊Gram. § 1147 c⌋. The connection of kḷptás with vaçā́ is strange; the former belongs probably to