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Book XI.

⌊This eleventh book is the fourth book of the second grand division of the Atharvan collection. As to the general make-up of the books of this division, see page 471. The Old Anukramaṇī describes the length of hymns 6 and 8 by stating the excess of each over 20 verses. All of the book except hymns 3 and 8 has been translated by Bloomfield in Sacred Books of the East, vol. xlii.; and all of it by Victor Henry, Les Livres X, XI et XII de l'Atharva-véda traduits et commentés, Paris, 1896. Here again we have the bhāṣya for the entire book.⌋

⌊The ritual uses of this book are confined for the most part to the first hymn, nearly every verse of which is quoted in Kāuçika 60-63 and 65 in connection with the details of the sava sacrifice. Of the other nine hymns only sporadic citations are made by Kāuçika; and in the Vāitāna, only a single quotation (of 2. 1) is made out of the whole book.⌋

Paryāya-hymns: for details respecting them, see pages 471-2. The paryāya-hymn of this book is hymn 3, with 3 paryāyas.]

Discrepancies of hymn-numeration, as between the two editions, in so far as they are occasioned by the counting of each paryāya as a separate hymn by the Bombay edition. The matter is discussed at this place because it is in this book, page 625, that Whitney has condemned the procedure of the Bombay edition. The facts are as follows:⌋ ⌊☞ See p. cxxxiv and p. 1013.⌋

⌊In book viii., the Bombay edition, counting separately each of the 6 paryāyas of our last hymn (h. 10), makes for that book a total of 15 hymns; but, since the discrepancy is confined to our last hymn, the plus of 5 does not affect the numeration of the preceding 9.⌋

⌊In book ix., the Bombay edition, counting separately each of the 6 paryāyas of our hymn 6 (its 6-11), has a plus of 5 for our h. 7 (its 12) and the following. Our h. 7 is also a paryāya-hymn; but since it has but 1 paryāya, the plus remains a constant from our h. 7 to the end. The total is again 15.⌋

⌊In book x. there is no paryāya-hymn to affect the numeration.⌋

⌊In book xi., the Bombay edition, counting the 3 paryāyas of our hymn 3 as its 3 and 4 and 5, has a plus of 2 for our 4 (its 6) and the following. Its total is therefore 12.⌋