Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/156

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xi. 1-

1. Accompanying a rice-dish offering.

[Brahman.—saptatriṅçat. brāhmāudaniham. trāiṣṭubham: 1. anuṣṭubgarbhā bhurik pan̄kti; 2. bṛhatīgarbhā virāj; 3. 4-p. çākvaragarbhā jagatī; 4. bhurij; 5. brhatīgarbhā virāj; 6. uṣṇih; 8. virādgāyatrī; 6. çākvarātijāgaiagarbhā jagatī; 10. virāṭ purotijagatī virāḍjagatī; 11. jagatī; 15, 16. bhurij; 17. virāḍ jagatī; 18. atijāgatagarbhā parātijāgatā virāḍ atijagatī; 20. atijāgatagarbhā paraçākvarā 4-p. bhurig jagatī; 21, 24-26, 29. virāḍjagatī (29. bhurij); 27. atijāgatagarbhā jagatī; 3i. bhurij; 35. 4-p. kakummaty uṣṇih; 36. purovirāḍ vyāghrādiṣv avagantavyā*; 37. virāḍ jagatī.]

⌊Verse 35 is prose.⌋ Found also in Pāipp. xvi. (in the verse-order 1-10, 12, 11, 13-18, 22, 19, 20, 21, 23-37). Nearly every verse of the hymn is quoted in Kāuç. 60-63 and 65 in connection with the description of the sava offerings; ⌊see Bloomfield, page 610 and the following for details so far as they are helpful⌋. ⌊Citations in other parts of Kāuç. are noted under the verses. The hymn is not noticed by Vāit.: see page 610.⌋ *⌊This curious addition to the Anukr., vyāghrādiṣv avagantavyā, recurs in the Anukr's treatment of xiv. 1. 60 and of the c of xv. 5. 1-7. See note to xv. 5. 7.⌋

Translated: Henry, 97, 133; Griffith, ii. 51; Bloomfield, 179, 610.

1. O Agni, be thou born; Aditi here, suppliant, cooks a brahmán-rice-dish, desiring sons; the seven seers, being-makers—let them churn thee here together with progeny.

Aditi's cooking of a rice-dish in order to obtain progeny is repeatedly referred to in the Brāhmaṇas—probably by way of echo of this verse: compare TS. vi. 5. 61; TB. i. 1. 91; K. vii. 15; MS. i. 6. 12; ⌊ii. 1. 12 and references⌋; ⌊also AV. vi. 81. 3⌋; the comm. quotes the TS. passage in his explanation of the verse. He defines a brahmāudana as brahmaṇe jagatsraṣṭre svāhākareṇa deya odanaḥ, and then adds: yad vā brahmāudanasavākhye ‘smin karmaṇi brāhmaṇānām bhojanāya bhāgatvena kalpita odano brahmāudanaḥ.

2. Make ye smoke, O ye bulls, companions, ye that are aided by the unhateful (?), unto speech; this Agni [is] fight-overpowering, having good heroes, by whom the gods overpowered the barbarians.

The second pāda is mechanically rendered, being quite corrupt, as appears ⌊from the meter and⌋ by comparison with the corresponding RV. verse (iii. 29. 9), which reads instead ásredhanta itana vā́jam ácha. The comm. explains ádrogh- as adrohakāriṇāṁ sucaritrāṇāṁ yajamānānām avitā rakṣitā, as if the pada-reading were -avitā instead of -avitāḥ. ⌊W's Collation-book gives -avitāḥ as pada-reading without note of variant; and this is the reading also of two or three of SPP's mss.: but he admits -avitā into his pada-text, following one or two mss.⌋ RV. begins also kṛṇóta, and has vṛ́ṣaṇam for vṛṣaṇas in a; also devā́sas (rectifying the meter) in d. All the mss. ⌊save one or two⌋ read asahanta, unaccented, in d, but both editions make the necessary emendation to ásahanta—which, of course, RV. has. Ppp. is corrupt in d, reading devā ’santa*; after it çatrūn. *⌊A most interesting instance of haplography on the part of the AV.: cf. note to iv. 5. 5. Note the fourfold occurrence of the sound-combination ās within the RV. pāda; and that three of these are reduced by Ppp. to one.⌋

3. O Agni, thou hast been born unto great heroism, unto the cooking of the brahmán-rice-dish, O Jātavedas; the seven seers, being-makers—