Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/163

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-xi. 1

'Is no portion for,' lit'ly 'is not also (api) of—a common form of expression in the Brāhmaṇas. Ppp. reads rakṣanti in d. The verse is quoted with vs. 25 c in Kāuç. 65. 12.

34. The offering, yielding milk (duh), constantly full (prápīna), a male (púmāṅs) milch-cow, seat of wealth, immortality through offspring, and a long life-time—and may we sit by thee with abundance (pl.) of wealth.

The construction of the third pāda is very indeterminate; the words may be either nominative or accusative; they express in some way what the offering is to procure. To illustrate prajāmṛtatvam, the comm. quotes, quite appositely, TB. i. 5. 56 and RV. v. 4. 10, 'by progeny, O Agni, may I obtain immortality.' Prapīnam he explains as = pravṛddhodhaskam, which is doubtless its true meaning. Ppp. reads in d poṣam for poṣāis. Neither this nor the following verse, nor vs. 37, is quoted in Kāuç. ⌊Cf. Henry's version, p. 102; and, for the awkward ca, his note, p. 139.⌋

35. Thou art a heaven-going bull; go to the seers, to them of the seers; sit in the world of the well-doing; there is there preparation (saṁskṛtá) for us both.

⌊Prose.⌋ Ppp. reads ṛṣabhas at the beginning, and lokaṁ for loke in c. With the second half-verse is to be compared TS. i. 4. 432, and MS. i. 3. 37 (end) and iv. 8. 2 (end), which read: sukṛ́tām loké sīdata tán naḥ saṁskṛtám; and VS. iv. 34 has the last pāda, reading tán for tátra. The pada-texts do not divide saṁskṛtam; the case falls under rule iv. 58 of the AV. Prāt.

36. Gather thou together unto, go thou together forth after; O Agni, make ready (kalpay-) the roads traveled by the gods; by them, well-made, may we go after the offering, that stands upon the seven-rayed firmament.

All the mss. ⌊save one or two of SPP's⌋ leave agne unaccented, as if it belonged to a, and Bp. puts the double division-mark after it accordingly; SPP. reads with the ⌊majority of his⌋ mss.; we have made the necessary emendation to ágne. Ppp. reads at the beginning samātanuṣva; for c it has yebhis sukṛtāir anu prajñeṣṭhaṅs sa yajñe. The comm. regards a as addressed to the rice-dish, which is to 'gather up ' all its members. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 63. 9, but not in a way to cast any light upon it. TS. iv. 7. 134 and MS. ii. 12. 4 are to be compared with the first half-verse, but they vary much from it and from one another.

37. With what light the gods went up to the sky, having cooked the brahmán-rice-dish, to the world of the well-done, with that may we go to the world of the well-done, ascending the heaven, unto the highest firmament.

The second half-verse is identical with iv. 14. 6 c, d, above ⌊see my note⌋. The comm. reads jeṣma in c, explaining it by jayema ⌊= prāpnuyāma⌋. Ppp. has, instead of this repetition, a new half-verse: taṁ tvā pacāmi jyotiṣāṁ jyotir uttamaṁ sa nas tad dhehi sukṛtām u loke.

⌊The quoted Anukr. here says saptā ’nupūrveṇa çeṣāḥ syus triṅçateḥ parāḥ.⌋