Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/170

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xi. 3-

2. Heaven-and-earth are the ears, sun-and-moon the eyes, the seven seers the breaths-and-expirations.

3. Sight (cákṣus) the pestle, desire (kā́ma) the mortar.

4. Diti the winnowing basket, Aditi the basket-holder; the wind winnowed (apa-vic).

5. Horses the corns (káṇa), kine the grains (taṇḍulá), flies the husks.

6. Kábru the hulls, the cloud the stalk (çára).

The comm. reads kabhru, and gives a forced etymology, from ka 'head' and bhrū 'brow'; he also has çíras for çáras, and this reading is found in some of the mss. (including our B.p.m., E.s.m., O.p.m. ⌊and some of SPP's⌋).

7. Dark metal its flesh, red its blood (lóhita).

That is, doubtless, iron and copper respectively.

8. Tin [its] ash, greens (? háritam) [its] color, blue lotus (púṣkara) its smell.

The comm. glosses hárita with heman 'gold.' ⌊Over "greens" W. has interlined "gold? (so BR.)." He rendered hárita by "the yellow one" at v. 28. 5, 9.⌋

9. The threshing-floor [its] receptacle, the two splints (sphyá) [its] shoulders, the two poles (īṣā́) [its] spines (anūkyā̀).

The comm. reads sphāu, and defines as pravṛddhāu dhānyādhārasya çakaṭasyā ’vayavāu; and he defines anūkyè as aṅsayor madhyadehasya ca saṁdhī. Bp. reads īçé for īṣé.

10. Entrails [its] 'neck-ropes (? jatrú), intestines [its] straps.

Jatrú is rendered with the commentary, who explains it as anaḍudgrīvāṇāṁ çakaṭayojanārthā rajjavaḥ.

11. This very earth is the vessel (kumbhī́) of the finishing (rādh) rice-dish, heaven the cover.

⌊W. interlines a query over "finishing." The comm. renders rādh- by pacyamānasya.⌋

12. The furrows [its] ribs, gravel the content of [its] bowels.

The comm. reads ūvadhyam.

13. Righteousness (ṛtá) [its] hand-washing, the brook (kulyā̀) [its] pouring-on.

In order to force a parallelism into it, the comm. explains ṛta as a 'name for water,' and as signifying 'all the water that is found in the world.' The Pet. Lex., on the other hand, conjectures 'family custom' for kulyā̀; it is translated above as if = kulyā́, as the comm. takes it.

14. With sacred verse (ṛ́c) is the vessel put on, with priesthood sent forth;

15. With sacredness (bráhman) seized about, with sacred chant (sā́man) carried about.

For the sake of the parallelism again, the comm. makes 'priesthood' indicate the Yajur-Veda, and 'sacredness' the Brahma-Veda of the Atharvans.