Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/181

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-xi. 5

Ppp. reads mekhalāvī for -layā, and at the end again ⌊for the third time⌋ bibharti. ⌊We have the converse variant at xiii. 1. 1.⌋

5. Prior born of the bráhman, the Vedic student, clothing himself with heat (gharmá), stood up with fervor; from him [was] born the brā́hmaṇa, the chief bráhman, and all the gods, together with immortality (amṛ́ta).

Ppp. reads tapaso ‘dhi tiṣṭhat at end of b. Of a the meaning may probably be 'was born before the bráhman' (so the translators).

6. The Vedic student goes kindled with fuel, clothing himself in the black-antelope-skin, consecrated, long-bearded; he goes at once from the eastern to the northern ocean, having grasped the worlds, again and again violently shaping (? ācarikṛ) [them].

Ppp. reads in b kārṣṇiṁ, and in c sadyet pūrvād. The comm. has in d saṁgṛhya; he explains muhur ācarikrat by atyartham ābhimukhyena karoti. ⌊'Northern ocean': cf. note to xi. 2. 25.⌋

7. The Vedic student, generating the bráhman, the waters, the world, Prajāpati, the most exalted one, the virāj, having become an embryo in the womb of immortality; having become Indra, he has shattered (tṛh) the Asuras.

Ppp. reads in d amṛtān instead of asurān. More than half of SPP's authorities read bhūtvā amṛt- uncombined in c.

8. The teacher fabricated both these envelops (nábhas), the wide, profound, [namely] earth and sky; them the Vedic student defends by fervor; in him the gods become like-minded.

The last pāda is identical with 1 b above. Ppp. is more original, reading for c, d: tāu brahmacārī tapasā ’bhi rakṣati tayor devās sadamādam madanti; it also omits ime in a; and it puts the verse after our vs. 9. The comm. ⌊and two of SPP's authorities⌋ read tam for te at beginning of c.

9. This broad (pṛthivī́) earth, and the sky, the Vedic student first brought [as] alms (bhikṣā́); having made them [both] fuel, he worships; in them are set (ā́rpita) all beings.

Ppp. omits the meter-disturbing ā́ in b, and reads for c, te brahma kṛtvā samidhā upāsata. 'Worships': i.e., as the comm. explains, 'tends the fire with them.'

10. The one this side, the other beyond, the back of the sky, in secret [are] deposited ⌊ni-dhā⌋ the two treasures (nidhí) of the brā́hmaṇa; them the Vedic student defends by fervor; the whole of that he, knowing, makes bráhman for himself.

The construction and sense of the last pāda are very doubtful. For c, Ppp. has its version of our 8 c over again: tāu brahmacārī tapasā ’bhi rakṣati; it also combines parā ’nyo in a. ⌊To bring out the play of the original, one might render nidhī́ by 'deposits.'⌋