Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/187

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-xi. 7

22. They that are the five divine directions, that are the twelve divine seasons, that are the fangs of the year—let them be ever propitious to us.

All the saṁhitā-mss. happen to read together in b dvā́daça rtávaḥ, which SPP. adopts; Ppp. makes the same combination. ⌊Pāda d is nearly 9 d above.⌋

23. The immortal remedy, chariot-bought, which Mātalī knows—that Indra made enter into the waters; that remedy, O waters, give ye.

The pada-text reads mā́talī also. ⌊Concerning Mātalī, see Weber, Sb. 1895, p. 837.⌋ All the mss. accent ā́po in d, and it accordingly is read by both editions; but the sense requires the emendation to āpo, as translated; ⌊so the comm.: he āpaḥ⌋. The verse is so discordant with the rest of the hymn as to seem an addition made to it; ⌊it is not found in Ppp.⌋.

The comm. ⌊p. 123⌋ regards the verse as referred to in Vāit. 3. 13, quoting the whole sūtra, but with mātalyā instead of pātrāṇy at the beginning; the mss. of Vāit. read mātalyā or mārttalyā.

⌊Here ends the third anuvāka, with 2 hymns and 49 verses. The quoted Anukr. says agnim-brūmake tisraḥ: i.e. 'in the hymn agnim brūmaḥ, there are three [over twenty].'⌋

7. Extolling the remnant (úcchiṣṭa) of the offering.

[Atharvan.—saptaviṅçati, mantroktochiṣṭādhyātmadāivatam. ānuṣṭubham*: 6. puroṣṇigbārhataparā; 21. svarāj; 22. virāṭ pathyābṛhatī.] *⌊The Anukr. omits the definition of vs. 11 as pathyāpan̄kti.⌋

Found also (except vs. 25) in Pāipp. xvi. ⌊The hymn is not cited in the text of Kāuç. nor of Vāit.⌋

Translated: Muir, v. 397 (part); Scherman, p. 87 (part); Deussen, Geschichte, i. 1. 305-310; Henry, 120, 156; Griffith, ii. 75; Bloomfield, 226, 629.—See Deussen's valuable introduction. He does not believe that ucchiṣṭa means 'remnant of the offering' in this hymn, but rather 'residuum in general,' the remainder that we get after subtracting from the universe all the forms of the world of phenomena.

1. In the remnant [are set] name and form, in the remnant [is] set the world; within the remnant both Indra and Agni, everything is set together.

The comm. connects the hymn with hymn 3, above, making the ucchiṣṭa the remnant of Aditi's rice-dish; he quotes Tāitt. Brah. i. 1. 91, where it says "they gave her what remained" (uccheṣaṇa) etc. Ppp. reads rūpāṇi for rūpaṁ ca in b.

2. In the remnant heaven-and-earth, all existence is set together; in the remnant the waters, the ocean, the moon, the wind is set.

Ppp. combines at the end vātā ”hitaḥ.

3. In the remnant [are] the being one and the non-being one, both, death, vigor, Prajāpati; they of the world (lāukyá) are supported (ā-yat) on the remnant, both vrá and drá; also fortune (çrī́) in me.

Ppp. reads ‘saṅç; ⌊for asaṅç⌋ in a; in d, where we should welcome its aid in making sense, it is corrupt, reading pṛçcadṛçcāvṛçcīr mayi; it also combines ucchiṣṭā ”yattās