Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/199

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-xi. 10

hornless (tūpará), likewise those that smell of (?) the goat—all those (m.), O Arbudi, do thou make our enemies to see, and do thou show forth specters.

The meaning of -abhivāsin is wholly uncertain ⌊cf. Pāli vāsita⌋; the Pet. Lex. conjectures instead -abhivāçin, and the comm. reads bastāvivāçin, as from basta + avi + vāçin. He also, in defiance of pada-text and accent, renders tamasā́s as támasā. ⌊Cf. nabhasá-s (not nábhas-as), ix. 4. 22.⌋

23. Let both Arbudi and Trishandhi pierce through our enemies, in order that, O Indra, Vṛitra-slayer, lord of might, we may slay of them, of our enemies, by thousands.

Triṣandhi, lit. 'of three joints,' is conspicuous especially in the next hymn. The comm. explains it here as kaçcit senāmohako devaḥ saṁdhitrayopetavajrāyudhābhimānī vā.

24. The forest-trees, them of the forest-trees, herbs and plants, Gandharvas-and-Apsarases, serpents, gods, pure-folk (puṇyajaná). Fathers—all those, O Arbudi, do thou make our enemies to see, and do thou show forth specters.

The comm. identifies the 'pure-folk' with the yakṣas. ⌊With c, d, cf. viii. 8. 15, above.⌋ ⌊Cf. Kāuç. 73. 5.⌋

25. Mastery over you have the Maruts [gained], the heavenly Āditya, Brahmaṇaspati; mastery over you have both Indra and Agni, Dhātar, Mitra, Prajāpati; mastery over you have the seers gained (kṛ)—exhibiting among the enemies—in case of thy bite, O Arbudi.

One would like to emend devás to devā́s in a.

26. Masters (ī́çāna) of them all, stand ye up, equip yourselves, ye friends, god-folks; having wholly conquered in this conflict, scatter ye to your several worlds.

The mss. set the avasāna in this verse after yūyám, and SPP. very properly does the same. ⌊Our b, c = 2 a, b: b = 10. 1 a.⌋

⌊The quoted Anukr. says "ye bāhavaḥ": see vs. 1.⌋

10. To conquer enemies: to Trishandhi.

[Bhṛgvan̄giras.—saptaviṅçati. mantroktatriṣandhidevatyam. ānuṣṭubham: 1. virāṭ pathyābṛhatī; 2. 3-av. 6-p. triṣṭubgarbhā ’tijagatī; 3. virāḍ āstārapan̄kti; 4. virāj; 8. virāṭ triṣṭubh; 9. purovirāṭ purastājjyotis triṣṭubh; 12. 5-p. pathyāpan̄kti; 13. 6-p. jagatī; 16. 3-av. 6-p. kakummaty anuṣṭuptriṣṭubgarbhā çakvarī; 17. pathyāpan̄kti; 21. 3-p. gāyatrī; 22. virāṭ purastādbṛhatī; 25. kakubh; 26. prastārapan̄kti.]

Not found in Pāipp. ⌊For its use by Kāuç. in connection with hymn 9, see introduction to hymn 9.⌋

Translated: Ludwig, p. 531; Henry, 129, 169; Griffith, ii. 88; Bloomfield, 126, 637.

1. Stand ye up, equip yourselves, ye specters, together with ensigns; ye serpents, other-folks, demons, run after our enemies.

⌊Pāda a = 9. 2 a, 26 b; c = 9. 16 e.⌋