Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/220

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xii. 2-

Or dyavi, in c, 'in the sky' (so Ludwig). The last pāda is also i. 6. 3 d. ⌊Cf. also note to vi. 19. 2.⌋ There is no good reason for calling the verse nicṛt.

19. Wipe ye off on the lead; wipe ye off on the reeds; and what on the consuming fire; likewise on the dark (rāmá) ewe; headache on the pillow.

The rendering is very literal, and does not disguise the obscurity of the connection. Ppp. reads for b agnis saṁkusikaç ca yaḥ, which is more manageable: 'and on [that] which [is] the consuming fire': i.e. 'on the fire.' ⌊Caland, KZ. xxxiv. 457, comparing Avestan locutions, says that agnāu saṁkasuke ca yat is locative to agniḥ saṁkasukaç ca yaḥ: cf. vs. 40 and i. 30. 1.⌋ The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 71. 16; 86. 19, with vss. 13 and 40: see above, under vs. 13. The mss. in general, according to their wont, read in a mṛḍhvam (but Bs. mṛḍhḍham). ⌊For çīrṣakti, see ref's under i. 12. 3.⌋

20. Having settled what is foul upon the lead [and] headache upon the pillow, having wiped off on the black ewe, be ye cleansed, fit for sacrifice.

Compare xiv. 2. 67. ⌊Cf. MGS. ii. 1. 10.⌋

21. Go away, O death, along a distant road which is thine here, other than that the gods go upon; I speak to thee having sight, hearing; let these many heroes be here.

The verse (except d) is RV. x. 18. 1, and found also in VS. (xxxv. 7), TB. (iii. 7. 145), and TA. (iii. 15. 2: vi. 7. 3). RV. has svás for our eṣás in b, and, for d, mā́ naḥ prajā́ṁ rīriṣo mó ’tá vīrā́n, and the other texts agree with it, save that VS. has anyás for svás in b. Ppp. omits iha in d. ⌊Cf. MB. i. 1. 15; also MGS. ii. 18. 2 m.⌋ The verse is used several times in Kāuç.: at 71. 11, 21; 72. 13; 86. 24.

22. These living ones have turned away from the dead; our invocation of the gods hath been auspicious (bhadrá) today; we have gone forward unto dancing, unto laughter; may we, rich in heroes, address counsel.

The verse (again with exception of d) is RV. x. 18. 3, and found also in TA. (vi. 10. 2). The last pāda in the other texts is drā́ghīya ā́yuḥ prataráṁ (TA. -rā́ṁ) dádhānāḥ; our d is identical with RV. i. 117. 25 d. TA.* has ā́ ’vavartin in a, and agāmā in c. ⌊With b cf. RV. x. 53. 3 d.⌋ The verse is used (with vs. 29) in Kāuç. 71. 18 and 86. 21. ⌊At vs. 30, W. wrote "speak to the counsel," and then interlined suggestion of "council."⌋ *⌊TA. has also prā́ñjo for prā́ñco.⌋

23. I set this enclosure for the living; let not another of them now go to that goal; living a hundred numerous autumns, let them set an obstacle to death with a mountain.

The verse is RV. x. 18. 4, and found also in VS. (xxxv. 15), TB. (iii. 7. ll3), TA. (vi. 10. 2), and Āp. (ix. 12. 4; xiv. 22. 3). RV. differs from our text only by reading jīvantu in c, and antár (for tirás) in d. VS. agrees throughout with RV.; TB. differs only by having (like AV.) tirás in d (eṣā́n nu in b is doubtless a misprint, as mátyám in d is a misprint for mṛtyúm: see the comm. ⌊the Poona ed., p. 1137, corrects them both⌋), and árdham in b. TA. reads mā́ nó ‘nu gād and árdham in b, and tirás and dadmahe in d. Āp. agrees exactly with TB. the first time; but the second time it has no nu (or ‘nu) in b, and dadhmahe in d. ⌊Cf. MP. ii. 22. 24.⌋ Ppp. gives, in c,