Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/224

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xii. 2-

40. What evil (riprá), pollution we have committed, and what ill-doing, from that let the waters cleanse me, and from the crushing Agni what.

The last clause seems a false construction, the true one being something like the version of Ppp.: agnis saṁkusikaç ca yaḥ; but Ludwig fills it out to "and [from that] which [arises] from Agni Saṁkasuka." ⌊As to the construction, see Caland as cited under vs. 19.⌋ ⌊As to saṁkasuka, cf. note to vs. 11.⌋ Ppp. further reads duritaṁ (for çamalam) in a; and it has çundhantu in c ⌊cf. note to vi. 115. 3 and the VS. variant there⌋. The Anukr. understands the verse as 6 + 8: 8 + 8 = 30 syllables; but the pada-mss., less acceptably, mark the pāda division as occurring after cakṛmá. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 71. 16 and 86. 19 in company with others, as noted under vs. 13.

41. These fore-knowing ones (f.) have turned hither upward from below by roads that the gods go upon; upon the back of the virile (vṛṣabhá) mountain the ancient streams (sarít) go about new.

'Waters' (ā́pas) is doubtless to be supplied with the adjectives in a, b. Ppp. combines tā ’dharād at the beginning, and reads ṛṣabhasya in c. It is doubtless by a blunder (catasras for tisras) that the Anukr. appears to reckon this regular triṣṭubh to the anuṣṭubhs of the hymn. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 72. 3.

42. O non-flesh-eating Agni, push out the flesh-eating one; bring the god-sacrificing one.

The Anukr. scans this verse as 5 + 6 + 8 = 19 syllables, acknowledging the unelided a of akravyāt, and separating nuda ā́ dev-. The prose yajus (as it really is) is quoted in Kāuç. 69. 8 as accompanying the bringing of a light from the frying-pan (bhraṣṭra), and in 71. 8 with other verses, as noted under vs. 1 above. ⌊The first half-verse is defaced in Ppp.⌋

43. The flesh-eating one entered into this man; he has gone after the flesh-eating one; having made two tigers severally, I take him, who is other than propitious.

Ppp. reads pra viveça in a, and nānā ’haṁ in c. The verse is quoted, with others (see note to vs. 1), in Kāuç. 71. 8.

44. Concealment of the gods, defense (paridhí) of men (manuṣyà), the householder's fire is set (çritá) between both classes.

In accordance with the Anukr., the mss. interpose no stroke of interpunction in this verse, which plainly is not metrical, though the last 8 syllables read like an anuṣṭubh pāda. It is quoted, with others (see note to vs. 24), in Kāuç. 72. 13. Ppp. reads ubhayād in c. ⌊The medial avasāna is lacking in SPP. and should be deleted from the Berlin ed.⌋

45. Lengthen thou out, O Agni, the life-time of the living; let them who are dead go unto the world of the Fathers; do thou, a good householder's fire, burning away the niggard, assign to this man an ever better dawn.

Ppp. reads, for a, jīvānām agneṣ pratar dīrgham āyuṣ, and, in c, d, arātīr uṣām-uṣāṁ çrayaṁ çrayasi dadhat. Kāuç. and Vāit. quote as pratīka only the beginning of c;