Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/234

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xii. 3-

39. What in any case thy wife cooks beyond thee, or thy husband, O wife, in secret from thee, that do ye unite; that be yours together; agreeing (? sampāday-) together upon one world.

Kāuç. 62. 11 quotes the verse (iti mantroktam), but casts no light upon it. ⌊Has a second pácati fallen out after jāye?

40. How many of her fasten on (sac) the earth, what sons came forth into being from us (pl.)—all those do ye (du.) call to you in the vessel;. knowing the navel, the young ones (çíçu) shall come together.

The mss. (excepting R.D.) leave sacante in a unaccented. Ppp. reads after it ‘smat. The verse, especially the first pāda, is obscure. 'Navel' = 'central point, place of union.' The Anukr. does not heed the deficiency of a syllable in c; it means us, perhaps, to resolve ta-ā́n.

41. What streams (dhā́rā) of good (vásu) [there are], fattened with honey, mixed with ghee, navels of immortality—all those doth the heaven-goer (? svargá) take possession of; in sixty autumns may he seek unto the treasure-keepers.

The last and obscurest pāda is identical with 34 a. The Anukr. perhaps accepts the redundant syllable of b and the deficient of c as balancing each other. The verse is used, with 44 below, in Kāuç. 62. 18, to accompany the further pouring in of juices. Ppp. reads samaktās for prapīnās in a, and dhāmayas at end of b, and combines -pā ’bh- in d.

42. He shall seek unto it, [as] treasure-keepers unto a treasure; let those who are others be not lords (ánīçvara) about; given by us, deposited, heaven-going, with three divisions it has ascended to three heavens (svargá).

Ppp. again combines in a -pā ’bhy. Kāuç. 62. 10 makes the verse accompany the division of the rice-dish into three parts. There is no reason for calling it bhurij, as the Anukr. does.

43. Let Agni burn the demon that is godless; let the flesh-eating piçācá not have a draught here; we thrust him, we bar him away from us; let the Ādityas, the An̄girases, fasten on him.

Doubtless we should emend to rundhmas in c. Ppp. reads in d ādityā no an̄g-, thus rectifying the meter. The Anukr. notices this time the redundance of the pāda. Doubtless, as often elsewhere, we are to contract to ādityāí ’nam. In Kāuç. 62. 14 the verse is made to accompany the carrying of fire around the offering. ⌊BR. render the force of pra by defining pra-pā as 'sich an's Trinken machen.'⌋

44. To the Ādityas, the An̄girases, I announce this honey mingled with ghee; with cleansed hands, not smiting down [anything of] the Brahman's, go ye (du.), O well-doers, unto this heavenly world (svargá).

The description by the Anukr. is quite wrong. The use by Kāuç. 62. 18 was noted above, under vs. 41 . ⌊For the use of the genitive, W. has noted a reference to Delbrück's Altindische Syntax, p. 161.⌋