Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/273

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-xiii. 3

The translation implies bhaviṣyán instead of -yát in c; either this emendation or that of bhūtás to bhūtám (which Ludwig and Henry assume in their versions) seems unavoidable. Our saṁhitā-mss. are divided between -dó ánnapatir and -dó ‘nna- in a. The verse (11 + 8: 12: 44 = 75) is very near a regular atidhṛti (76 syll.). ⌊Cf. note to vs. 6 for use by Kāuç.⌋

8. He who measures out the thirteenth month, fabricated (vi-mā) of days-and-nights, having thirty members—against that god etc. etc.

The verse (6 × 11 = 66) lacks two syllables of a full atyaṣṭi (68 syll.).

9. Black the descent, the yellow eagles, clothing themselves in waters, fly up to the sky; they have come hither from the seat of righteousness—against that god etc. etc.

The first three pādas are RV. i. 164. 47 a-c, found also twice above, as vi. 22. 1; ix. 10. 22. The verse (7 × 11 = 77) is accurately described by the Anukr. It, with a good part of those that follow (11-16, 18-21, 23, 25), appears to have nothing to do with the refrain.

10. What of thee, O Kaçyapa, is bright (candrá), full of shining (rocanā́vant), what that is combined (saṁhitá), splendid (puṣkalá), of wondrous light, in which seven suns are set (ā́rpita) together—against that god etc. etc.

One of our mss. (T.: ⌊and perhaps also M.⌋) ⌊and one of SPP's⌋ accent púṣkalam (like púṣkara) in b. All ⌊of W's and of SPP's⌋ agree in the anomalous and probably incorrect accent saṁhitám. ⌊C.f., however, Gram. § 1085 b. Perhaps the case of saṁskṛtám at xi. 1. 35 is not parallel.⌋ Ppp. has (as noticed above) this verse, reading in a kaçyapo ro-, combining in c suryā ”rpitās sapta, and ⌊without avasāna after sākam⌋ having, as was to be expected, a wholly different apodosis: tasmin rajānam adhi vi çraye ’mam (cf. our ix. 5. 4 d), for which the refrain of this hymn is a senseless substitute. The verse is found also in K. xxxvii. 9. Our Bp. omits, by accident, the division-sign of rocaná॰vat in a.

11. The bṛhát dresses itself in him in front; the rathaṁtará accepts [him] behind: [both] clothing themselves always in light unremittingly—against that god etc. etc.

12. The bṛhát was his wing on the one side, rathaṁtará on the other, [both] of like strength, of like motion (? sadhryàñc), when the gods generated the ruddy one—against that god etc. etc.

This verse counts 77 syllables, as required, but is irregular (9 + 13: 11: 44).

13. This Agni becomes Varuṇa in the evening; in the morning, rising, he becomes Mitra; he, having become Savitar, goes through the atmosphere; he, having become Indra, burns (tap) through the midst of the sky.—Against that god etc. etc.

Or (a) 'he becomes Varuṇa at evening [and] Agni' (so Henry: cf. Ludwig). The verse is very irregular, but can be made to count a vikṛti (92 syll.).