Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/276

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xiii. 4-

4. Extolling the sun.

[(Brahman.—ādhyātmam; rohitādityadevatyam. trāiṣṭubham.*) ṣaṭ paryāyāḥ. mantrokta drvatyāḥ.]

⌊Partly prose, and vss. 14-15, 22-26, and 46-56 are so designated in W's Index, p. 6.⌋ This hymn is not found in Pāipp., nor noticed either in Kāuç. or in Vāit. *⌊Here, indeed (but cf. introd. to hymn 3), the general definition for the whole kāṇḍa as "trāiṣṭubham" does not seem to apply.⌋

Translated: Henry, 17, 51; Griffith, ii. 154.

[Paryāya I.trayodaça. 1-11. prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh; 12. virāḍ gāyatrī; 13. āsury uṣṇih.]

1. He goes [as] impeller (Savitar) to the heaven (svàr), looking down upon the back of the sky.

2. To the cloud-mass (nábhas) brought by rays he goes [as] great Indra, covered.

3. He [is] the Creator (dhātṛ́), he the disposer, he Vāyu, the upraised (ut-çri) cloud-mass.

A syllable is lacking, unless we make harsh resolution, in a.

4. He [is] Aryaman, he Varuṇa, he Rudra, he the great god.

5. He [is] Agni, he also the Sun, he indeed great Yama.

Parts of this verse are quoted as examples under Prāt. ii. 21, 24; iii. 35, 36; iv. 116.

6. On him wait (upa-sthā) young ones (vatsá), ten, united, having one head.

Henry acutely suggests emendation in b to -ṇo ‘yútā dáça 'ten myriads'—i.e. of rays, all heading in the sun itself. It seems probable that the original text had ékaçīrṣās: cf. dáçaçīrṣas, iv. 6. 1; the verse as it stands is redundant.

7. From behind they stretch on forward; when he rises, he shines forth.

Vibhā́sati would seem a better reading at the end.

8. His is this troop of Maruts; he goes sling-made.

That is (?), 'as if hung in slings ' ⌊OB. 'an Schnüre gehängt'⌋. Henry makes a venturesome and unacceptable emendation, and regards the adjective as referring to the 'troop '—which is not impossible.

9. To the cloud-mass brought by rays he goes [as] great Indra, covered.

This is a repetition of vs. 2; all the mss. give it in full.

10. His are these nine vessels (kóça), the props set nine-fold.

The pada-text reads viṣṭambhā́ḥ, undivided.

11. He looks abroad for living creatures (prajā́), both what breathes and what does not.

Cf. vs. 19, below; 'for,' apparently 'for the advantage of.'