Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/287

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-xiv. 1

This verse, again, corresponds to parts of two in the RV., namely x. 85. 15 a, b and 14 c, d; the only variant is that RV. reads pitárāu for -ram in d, and Ppp. pitarā ’vṛ-, which doubtless means the same. Metrically the verse is as much virāj as vs. 14.

16. The two wheels of thee, O Sūryā, the priests (brahmán) know seasonably; further, the one wheel that is in secret—that, verily, the enlightened (addhātí) know.

Is RV. x. 85. 16. All our mss. accent in a sū́rye and in d ⌊all save D.⌋ vidúḥ; our edition corrects both words to accordance with RV. Close correspondence with RV. x. 85 ceases with vs. 16, at the end of the Sūryā-hymn proper. ⌊SPP. reads sū́rye with all his authorities, and vidúḥ with nearly all. He adds: "the correction to viduḥ is not inevitable." But I do not see how the accented form is to be rendered.⌋

17. We make offering to Aryaman of good connections, husband-finder; like a gourd from its bond, from here I release, not from yonder.

This verse is found as RV. vii. 59. 12, a late and ungenuine appendage to that hymn, and having no pada-text; its reading is very different, namely: tryàmbakaṁ yajāmahe sugándhim puṣṭivárdhanam: urvārukám iva bándhanān mṛtyór mukṣīya mā́ ’mṛ́tāt; and with this agree TS. (i. 8. 62) and MS. (i. 10. 4), except that they accent sugandhím in b; VS. (iii. 60) has tryàmbakam in a; for b, sugandhím pativédanam; for d, itó mukṣīya mā́ ’mútaḥ. Ppp. has at end muñca mā ‘mutaḥ. Vāit. 9. 19 quotes the RV. verse in the cāturmāsya ceremony, giving the text in full; Kāuç. 75. 22 makes our verse accompany an oblation offered when the wooer comes in. The Anukr. takes no notice of the redundant syllable in c (read -kám ’va). ⌊For 17, 18, cf. MP. i. 5. 7, and Wint., p. 56.⌋

18. I release [her] from here, not from yonder; I make her well-bound yonder, that she, O gracious Indra, may be rich in sons, well-portioned.

Is RV. x. 85. 25, without variant ⌊save that our text does not give muñcāmi the antithetical accent⌋. Prāt. ii. 65 teaches the combination -tas karam. Ppp. begins pre ’to muñcata mā ’mutah. The mantrapāṭha ⌊MP. i. 4. 5⌋ of the Āpastamba Gṛhya-Sūtra (see Winternitz, Altind. Hochzeitsrituell etc., p. 54) has a varying version, reading in a muñcā́ti mā́ ⌊Oxford text ⌋, and in b karat.

19. I release thee from Varuṇa's fetter, with which the very propitious Savitar bound thee; in the lair (yóni) of righteousness, in the world of the well-done, be it pleasant for thee accompanied by the wooer (-sambhalá).

The first three pādas are the same with RV. x. 85. 24 a-c, the only RV. variant being suçévaḥ at end of b; for d, RV. has áriṣṭāṁ tvā sahá pátyā dadhāmi. TS. (i. 1. 102; iii. 5. 61) has a nearly corresponding verse: imáṁ ví ṣyāmi váruṇasya pā́çaṁ yám ábadhnīta savitā́ sukétaḥ: dhātúç ca yónāu sukṛtásya loké syonám me sahá pátyā karomi. Our first half-verse is repeated below as 58 a, b; and the pratīka quoted in Vāit. 4. 11 doubtless belongs to the latter, and not to this verse as assigned by the editor. On the other hand, the pratīka quoted in Kāuç. 75. 23, used in connection with loosing the scarf (veṣṭa) tied about the bride, doubtless belongs here. The Āpastamba-text (Winternitz, p. 63) gives two slightly differing versions of the verse ⌊MP. i. 5. 16⌋.