Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/297

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-xiv. 2

64. Let the bráhman be yoked after, the bráhman before, the bráhman at the end, in the middle, the bráhman everywhere; going forward to an impenetrable stronghold of the gods, do thou (f.), propitious, pleasant, bear rule in thy husband's world.

Besides the use of the verse in Kāuç. 77. 20, as noticed just above, it is quoted, with 2. 8, in 77. 2, when the bride sets out, with a Brahman in front. In 79. 28, it is allowed to be substituted for vs. 23; and in that case (? 79. 32) the ceremony is called brāhmya instead of sāurya.

⌊Here ends the first anuvāka, with 1hymn (but see page 739, top) and 64 verses. The quoted Anukr. says ādyaḥ sāuryaç catuḥṣaṣṭiḥ (see p. 738).⌋

2. Marriage ceremonies (continued).

[Sāvitrī Sūryā.—ātmadāivatam (10. yakṣmanāçanī; 11. dampatyoḥ paripanthināçanī; 36 ⌊?⌋ devān astāut). ⌊As to the foregoing statements, see above, page 739, ¶'s 8, 4, 5.⌋ ānuṣṭubham: 5, 6, 12, 31, 37, 39, 40. jagatī (37, 39 bhurik triṣṭubh); 9. 3-av. 6-p. virāḍ atyaṣṭi; 13, 14, 17-19, [34, 36, 38] 41, 42, 49, 61, 70, 74, 75. triṣṭubh; 15, 51. bhurij; 20. purastādbṛhatī; 13 ⌊!⌋, 24, 25, 32, 33 ⌊!⌋ purobṛhatī; [26. 3-p. virāṇ nāma gāyatrī;] 33. virāḍ āstārapan̄kti; 35. purobṛhatī triṣṭubh; 43. triṣṭubgarbhā pan̄kti; 44. prastārapan̄kti; [47. pathyābṛhatī; ] 48. sataḥpan̄kti ⌊see under the verse⌋; ⌊50. upariṣṭādbṛtatī nicṛt;] 52. virāṭ paroṣṇih; 59, 60, 62. pathyāpan̄kti; [68. pura-uṣṇih;] 69. 3-av. 6-p. atiçakvarī; 71. bṛhatī.]

The Anukramaṇī, as we have it, omits the description of several of the verses (26, 34, 36, 38, 47, 50, 68); ⌊and, on the other hand, it defines verses 13 and 33 each twice, each once right and once wrong;⌋ and it mixes the order of others ⌊compare Whitney's remarks, above, page 739, If ¶3, and mine, page 740, top⌋.

The verses (except 50, 58) of this anuvāka or hymn are found also in Pāipp. xviii. (for slight differences of order, see under the verses). ⌊About a dozen verses of this anuvāka or hymn also occur in the RV. wedding-hymn, x. 85.⌋ Only one verse (47) is used by Vāit., but nearly all by Kāuç.

Translated: parts, of course, by the RV. translators; and the parts peculiar to our text by Ludwig, p. 472; and, as AV. hymn, by Weber (as above), Ind. Stud. v. 204-217. For vss. 59-62, see Bloomfield, AJP. xi. 336-341, or JAOS. xv., p. xliv, = PAOS. for Oct. 1890.

1. For thee in the beginning they carried about Sūryā, together with the bridal-car; mayest thou, O Agni, give to us husbands the wife, together with progeny.

The verse is RV. x. 85. 38, RV. reading púnaḥ for sá naḥ in c. All our mss. accent in d ágne, but it has been emended to agne in our edition. Ppp. agrees with RV. in having in c punaṣ pat-. ⌊Cf. PGS. i. 7. 3; MP. i. 5. 3; MGS. i. 11. 12 b, and p. 150.⌋ Kāuç. 78. 10 quotes this verse with 45 below, both preceded by vi. 78. 1, and followed by a long prose-passage, when the pair approach the priest to receive a sort of baptism.

2. Agni hath given back the spouse, together with life-time, with splendor; of long life-time, may he who is the husband of her live a hundred autumns.

Is RV. x. 85. 39, without variant. ⌊Cf. MP. i. 5. 4; MGS. i. 11. 12 c, and p. 152.⌋ The combination yáḥ pátiḥ in c is assured by Prāt. ii. 70.